Having lived in this part of Wales for close to 13 years (in an area where the Welsh language is dominant and there is a strong anti-English element), I've met some really nasty racists and even had to work with them, the kind who think that English should be banned from living in Wales, the kind who insist unless you speak Welsh, your not really Welsh. Now these people are the true racists, and it amazes me how they get away with it, even broadcasting their views on Welsh and radio. They are using the Welsh langauge and culture to justify what they say or do. Even when it comes to building new houses or shops in Aberystwyth, they will peddle the usual rubbish about how this will erode the Welsh language and ruin the community.
Having worked in a local supermarket, I very often had people saying "Sariad Cymraeg" (do you speak Welsh?), and if I say no, I'll get the silent treatment or they start babbling on Welsh.