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Thread: Wanna hear ur views on this...

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    You would be fine here mate.. Everyone knows your name!

    Over here thats your wife`s problem...Not yours!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    As the lady in question was the only asian present, I doubt very much that she felt relieved by the fact that "Thai" was mentioned.
    99% of people living in the west, cannot distinguish the small differences between various asian races, so as Admin put it, it was an "uneducated" comment.

    He may have not made a racist remark, but it may have caused offense or discomfort to some people.
    It is macho male nature to brag about stuff like that, but there is a time and a place, and I still think that it was grossly out of order to talk about working girls in the presence of ladies, although it is, sadly, a fact of life.

    I am not in any way, shape or form a Guardian reader. In fact I think that this society is going too far in the way we deal with people from different ethnic backgrounds.
    You're right but I think a lot depends on the individual and circumstances. I asked Juliet how she would feel and she said she wouldn't be bothered in the slightest.

    Having spent a lot of time at sea, I'm used to working with Filipinos and Indonesians. I made a lot of Asian friends and would often make comments which would bring shrieks of disapproval from members of this forum. However, because of the situation and circumstances.... maybe me and 5 Filipinos... it would always bring howls of laughter.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post

    They started it!

    I've changed it. How's that?!
    Personally, I think that's more offensive than the topic of your original post

  4. #34
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    I would be offended if I was in jmr's shoes. I know that joke wasn't intended for me because im a filipina and they mentioned about thai but considering that I was the only asian in the group and these people has no idea whats my nationality is or they might think that im from Thailand. Who knows whats in their mind, but for me he seems like he rediculed thai women..(bursting into laughed?) Duh!

    I would be upset because sometimes at work, people have mistaken me of being a thai eventhough I told them im a filipina, and they said ah ok..but still asked are you from Bangkok then?...grrrr.

    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  5. #35
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With out being there and watching and listening to everything said and gestured very hard to comment.

    If it was just they are two young lads they went to a country and must have met two young ladies i can't see the harm. Im sure if two phills chaps came to the uk and the stayed a little longer one of the first jokes made back in phill would be oh they must have met some ladies.

    If it had other under tones then best to speak to either the person in question or their management to express your discomfort if you feel it was meant to offend.

    But i do suggest to any phill who complains about racism or any other ism in the UK needs to start work in Phill on some of the terribly bigoted things i have heard said and seen everyday.

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