My finace and I are planning to get married in the Phils later this year. He has a son by another woman in the Phils and her parents are trying to push him into marrying her. Obviously this is not what he wants and has never been the case.
When we go to the Phils and have to post the notice that we want to get married could the family of this girl stop our marriage going ahead.
Of course Bert will continue to honour his obligation to the child and wants to be as involved as he can be with his upbringing, we have already discussed going to the Phils as often as we can afford and Berts Mother bringing the child over for holidays. And I have absolutely no intention of standing in the way of bert having as good a relationship as he can with the child because I know how important it is to Bert and all I want is for him to be happy. I should point out that at the minute Bert is working away at sea and only sees the child once a year and we will be planning on living in the UK because that way we can earn more money to provide for Berts obligations at home and our own livelihood.
I am just wondering how obstructive the girls family can be for our future plans.
Any thoughts anyone??
Thanks for your help
Kerry xx