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Thread: Now council bans balloons

  1. #1
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'm more worried about you reading AOL
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'm more worried about you reading AOL

    AOL has actually improved, and AOL email in my opinion is excellent, with unlimited storage, IMAP and POP access (Hotmail has neither and Yahoo only has POP for UK accounts), first class spam filtering and its a rock solid reliable service. AOL has moved on in the last few years, and they are bringing out some great new stuff, like X-Drive.

  4. #4
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    AOL to Tiscali.

    I was with AOL for about three years and after a few teething troubles was happy with their service.

    After a recent move to Tiscali just so I could have the free phone line rental they were advertising I have had a lot of trouble.

    Tiscali's Customer Service is terrible. Emails to them go unanswered for weeeks.

    A written letter of complaint to Tiscali, Customer Srvices remains unanswered four weeks ater I posted it.

    When phoning them I have often had to wait for up to forty minutes to speak to a representative all the time paying 5p per minute if using Tiscali's line.

    Tiscali placed me on the £17.99 per month package rather then the £14.99 one I ordered. I do not know if this has been put right yet but I do know they deducted the £17.99 from my credit card two weeks after I informed them I was on the wrong package.

    I was billed for five days Broadband connection when I had not even received the installation kit necessary to connect to Broadband through Tiscali. I reported this to Tiscali billing and they still deducted the money from my credit card tow weeks later.

    I was also left unable to make or receive telephone calls for twelve days because it took this length of time for Tiscali to send out a BT, from whom Tiscali lease the line, engineer who quickly found the fault some fifty metres from my home. Numerous phone calls and emails that were ignored were made to get this fixed.

    My advice to anyone thinking of going to Tiscali is DO NOT.

    The Tiscali Broadband connection is adequate for my needs and I am satisfied with it but Customer Services failures far outweigh any good points I could make about Tiscali.

    I have complaints with OFCOM and the ISP authorities ongoing at this time but am now tied to a twelve month contract with Tiscali.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You moved from AOL to Tiscali

    If I were you, I'd change to something a bit more reliable. Tiscali UK is selling up anyway, and who knows, CPW (Talk Talk and AOLUK) could end up buying it.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Tiscali's Customer Service is terrible.
    You didn't check the reports on the Internet then? This would have been as clear as a boil on your

    I'm switching one of my broadband lines from Plusnet 8MB @ £50 to Sky 16MB @ 16MB
    Keith - Administrator

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