<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john s &#064; Mar 25 2006, 08&#58;26 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
It is not that i have a great job, it is just the company I work for does most of its work overseas, which means lots of travelling.

I have been in the job for 9 years, and it is only ever my second job (the first was in the Army for 25 years)

I mentioned in yesterdays post that I had sent the next batch of documents to my asawa in the philippines, I used Fedex as I thought they were pretty reliable, and I could track it online. Just checked, there is an exception report stating that they could not deliver, why? they had tried to deliver to the wrong address (not even the same province)

I thought thing were going too smoothly, after all this is an application process to the British Embassy in Manila (or am I just being cynical)

Anyone else used Fedex, did they deliver OK?
John s

Hi John, I have been fedexing out to the PHILS for 2 years never had a problem except open wallet surgery, good luck with your app.

Go to my site, if you need to do some reading, hoped you have booked your wedding and told your girl before she goes for an interview, if you havnet, get cracking, ask Ivor, he will mark your card....

If you havent....go to http://www.british-filipino.com look for special fiancee update....geeeeze I am in the act of giving gifts to all men.