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Thread: hi to everyone

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi to everyone

    hi! am janice, a registered nurse in the Phils. i passed the local board last June of 2007. i am joining this group to have an idea about Filipino nurses in UK. i am strongly considering applying for work in UK. can someone advise me on how to go about it? i am really clueless. don't know where to start. as of the moment, i don't have experience yet because i have work not related to nursing. i plan to enroll on a masteral degree on nursing this coming june.

    my question is, how do start applying as nurse in UK? what are the requirements for it? do i need to take exams? hope you would be able to share to me your experiences. salamat!

    janice dadap

  2. #2
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Is there any nurses in the forum? Not a lot I think, they are all in NHS.

    Welcome janice.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdadap View Post
    my question is, how do start applying as nurse in UK? what are the requirements for it? do i need to take exams? hope you would be able to share to me your experiences. salamat!

    janice dadap
    The UK, and Europe as a whole are no longer 'importing' nurses, as we know have excess coming through our own system. I'm pretty sure it's harder to get in the US these days as well, with tightening immigration, and a downturn in the economy.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    unless your skilled and your skill in nursing is on the gov job shortage list, it will not be easy to find an employer who will apply for a workpermit for you.

    why nurses have been taken off the list

    my wife is a registered doc in the phils, shes having trouble passing the exams here to enable her to work as a doc, also the constantly changing and increasing restrictions the gov keep placing on IMG (international medical grads) , the gov want british nurses and docs, but seeing were in europe, they have to let the europeans apply for the same jobs to.. and so they restrict those from outside europe from working here..

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    welcome janice dadap.U are an alumni in Sioson, ryt??

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