It happened to me!
I had an account in one of the dating sites which i havent visited for years (forgotten about it) then out of the blues i checked my profile. Then searched for new members...and VOILA! i found my fiance's (now my husband) profile, blinking (saying that he is online!)
So i chatted him...i never put pictures in my profiles but i always give exact details i.e; names etc
I asked if He is available and he answered " engaged". (He still dont have any idea who I am )
Then i asked why he is on some dating site...and he said " my fiancee dont understand me..."
it was a very long conversation that i did all the questioning and he did all the answering....(sometimes funny and most of them annoying) then suddenly he asked what Im looking for I answered " SUPER KILLER SEX! "
only then he looked up my profile and he find it strange that the details are very similar to his fiancee...
I find it so funny in the end...
just be confident with yourself and trust him....give him the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise...