Quote Originally Posted by adamsky11 View Post
I am sure you will find that he just gets lonely then, if he cannot chat to you every day it does make it more likely he is just chatting for something to do........Ask him !
Try this line of question to him, make out your friend has joined a dating site and ask him to imagine your shame when she presented you with details about your b/f !! tell him you have been hurt by this and see what happens !
it depends how you want to push the issue..i personally find jealousy very scary and my g/f does get incredibly paranoid (that is how it seems to me) when i am logged in on msn or ym and i am not chatting with her !! it is a difficult problem your love and commitment maybe total but we do have a more relaxed attitude to it, i am not saying its not 100% love we just do not express our feelings and emotions the same way.......don't forget there are qualities that you have that will annoy him too !! :-) good luck
it almost sounds like my situation. i live in north england. my fiancee discovered i'm member of several sites. she never told me she signed up to this site, but i have mt suspicions now. antway adam, u got it bang on in your comments, and thats what i told her. i have no friends as such here, i dont go out on evenings, i have no tv, so i chat, simple as that. i gave my gf my passwords to my ym id's, and she changed them so i cant log in to some now. she's told me she cant trust me, and yes she is paranoid also. she sees things that r not there, and imagines everyone with robo in their handle is me. her jealousy really annoyed me on my last stay there, i was accused of falling for everyone i met, including a gay/bakla. she said we r now through, so i came to thjis site for advice and just happened to find this blog, which apparently is about me, but i can't be sure. you are also right that i didnt bother to close my profilles in the sites and i wasnt paid member so i coulnt contact anyway. i only just happened to look there in the last few days as my fiancee says we are finished. i happened to see she had accessed my profile in the site we met, and written things about me in my heading and description, scary, and not neccersary. your explanation is right on. i would hope she read it and understands. if it is my fiancee that wrote this, she can't have read it cos she doesn't understand.