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Thread: Strikes in Certain area's Pound rising against Peso

  1. #31
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    really?i never try that before...
    can u give me some information about
    pnb europe?tnx

    they usually give the best exchange rate,

    and i think only charge £5 to transfer upto £1,000

    never used anyone else for many years but pnb

  2. #32
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    they usually give the best exchange rate,

    and i think only charge £5 to transfer upto £1,000

    never used anyone else for many years but pnb
    thanks...this has helped a lot.

  3. #33
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I second Joe on this, we use PNB Europe also, its £5.00 up to £1,000 as he has said, and the rate is normally well up to date and spot on, and hey guys the pound is rising gradually, I just checked in at the mid market rate is 84.30 to the pound, lets hope it hits 85 ± and get back to 90 asap, that would be great news and a relief on my remittances and yours I am sure.

  4. #34
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post

  6. #36
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    really?i never try that before...
    can u give me some information about
    pnb europe?tnx
    You can download the application forms from their website and open an account with them which needs a maintaining balance of £50. Then you can transfer money into the account from your regular bank current account on the internet. Then when your ready to send remittances, you just send an instruction by email with a scanned authorisation letter and the money will be transferred overnight either to a Philippines PNB bank account, delivered to the door, or to another Philippines bank account.

    You can also set up online remittance with them. With online remittance, you just register your credit or debit cards and your benificiaries on their website, then whenever you want you can just log on and transfer the money. The only drawback with the online remittance method is that the credit card companies and the banks treat it the same as when you withdraw cash on a credit card and they charge you an extra fee.

    The best thing about PNB Europe is that the rate always seems to be about the best that can be had and you can check the rate on a daily basis before you decide to remit.


  7. #37
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    It's a pity that PNB stopped doing the mobile phone rapid remit, I thought that was the best method. You just registered your mobile phone number with them and then you sent a coded text message to them. The coded message included an account code, the amount you wanted to remit and a code for your pre-registered benificiary.

    It seemed to work great for me I can't think why they stopped it.


  8. #38
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    but it's good spam

  9. #39
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    but it's good spam
    Is it fried

  10. #40
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    You can download the application forms from their website and open an account with them which needs a maintaining balance of £50. Then you can transfer money into the account from your regular bank current account on the internet. Then when your ready to send remittances, you just send an instruction by email with a scanned authorisation letter and the money will be transferred overnight either to a Philippines PNB bank account, delivered to the door, or to another Philippines bank account.

    You can also set up online remittance with them. With online remittance, you just register your credit or debit cards and your benificiaries on their website, then whenever you want you can just log on and transfer the money. The only drawback with the online remittance method is that the credit card companies and the banks treat it the same as when you withdraw cash on a credit card and they charge you an extra fee.

    The best thing about PNB Europe is that the rate always seems to be about the best that can be had and you can check the rate on a daily basis before you decide to remit.

    Hi iain is the Transfer in realtime or do you have to wait for it to be processed by the bank?

  11. #41
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    MMMMMMMMMMMM spam and balut fritters

  12. #42
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Hi iain is the Transfer in realtime or do you have to wait for it to be processed by the bank?

    It's available to your benificiary the next day as the transfer takes place at the end of trading that day.


  13. #43
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It's available to your benificiary the next day as the transfer takes place at the end of trading that day.

    Thanking you Sir Kindly

  14. #44
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Ian, thats good info, I had problems though logging in to register for their online remit service, and to date I still haven't been able to do it, that was after Miss Gina took a day off her half term holiday to get into Victoria street to open an account.

    PNB is ok, but I find it easier to deposit in their Barclays Knightsbridge account and then call LIC to send it for us, it seems to work and is there within 4 days, but many tell me its there within 1 day direct.

  15. #45
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Thanks for that Ian, thats good info, I had problems though logging in to register for their online remit service, and to date I still haven't been able to do it, that was after Miss Gina took a day off her half term holiday to get into Victoria street to open an account.

    PNB is ok, but I find it easier to deposit in their Barclays Knightsbridge account and then call LIC to send it for us, it seems to work and is there within 4 days, but many tell me its there within 1 day direct.
    The missus rings up and its there in her bros account by the time she rings him up to let him know

  16. #46
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    I had problems though logging in to register for their online remit service, and to date I still haven't been able to do it
    The first thing I had with them was the Customer Card and to be honest just about every method I have used with them has been troublesome to set up at the start and usually required a few emails and phone calls to sort things out.

    It may be PNB Europe, but I think everything is done just the way it would be done in the Philippines........ verrrrrrrrrry slowly, with every piece of paper going through 20 pairs of hands before it's finally processed.

    Now that I have all of the transfer methods set up however, I find it very easy to use the both the customer card, online remittance and also to transfer to my PNB account from my current account and from my PNB account to my benificiaries. There's always the £50 that's just dead money lying in the account which grates a little, but I think it's still worth in the end.


  17. #47
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Lets hope they get some competion soon to make them more efficent.

    Iain never venture into one of the two uk branches unless you have time to spare.

  18. #48
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    ya, they need competition to be more effective bec i just called victoria branch yesterday (after a million attempts ) for a remittance and an old lady (voice saounds very old) was very nasty and rude on the phone and sounds like she was really doing a very big favour to me.

    she asked millions of questions (which i understand for security reasons ) so i got fed up for i thought it will never end and said "i sent money every month and its never like this !" finally she did the transaction to my relief!

    heavens! i dont know whats the £5 service charge for... to be treated like that...
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  19. #49
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Message for Ian,

    I would be grateful Ian if you could just update me on what is the procedure with PNB

    Let me tell you what happened.

    During last half term of school, Miss Gina went to PNB in London, took her most of the day, and was in their for about 1 hour, she opened the passbook account and deposited 10,000, now the account is open and we have the passbook.

    I then tried to register for their online remittance service, however when I put in my details, no e mail from them to get my password username etc.

    So I have basically left it at present.

    What I need is for you to tell me exactly what to do to get into a position where we can deposit money to PNB I assume they use their Barclays account as PNB Europe.

    And then our beneficiaries including Miss Gina's own account in the Bacolod City branch, will get the money quickly.

    Your advice would be appreciated, since you seem to have cracked the case, and also Andy you have seem to have it well set up.

    Now its not often I ask for advice, but on this issue, I am listening and waiting.

    Cheers lads.

  20. #50
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    You dont need an account with PNB London or even an acc in R.P.
    Call them in London give them sender and recipient name and your debit/credit card info..
    More than 2000 Pounds you will need to provide source of funds.

    If you decide to register online,phone them to add your payment details (credit/debit card, recipient name or bank where they will pick up the cash etc.) for quick easy future online payments. or call 020 0 7397 1360 if you are having problems with your online acc.

  21. #51
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Message for Ian,

    I would be grateful Ian if you could just update me on what is the procedure with PNB

    Let me tell you what happened.

    During last half term of school, Miss Gina went to PNB in London, took her most of the day, and was in their for about 1 hour, she opened the passbook account and deposited 10,000, now the account is open and we have the passbook.

    I then tried to register for their online remittance service, however when I put in my details, no e mail from them to get my password username etc.

    So I have basically left it at present.

    What I need is for you to tell me exactly what to do to get into a position where we can deposit money to PNB I assume they use their Barclays account as PNB Europe.

    And then our beneficiaries including Miss Gina's own account in the Bacolod City branch, will get the money quickly.

    Your advice would be appreciated, since you seem to have cracked the case, and also Andy you have seem to have it well set up.

    Now its not often I ask for advice, but on this issue, I am listening and waiting.

    Cheers lads.
    If you have an account with them already then you don't really need to use the online remittance as that is for transferring from your credit or debit cards.

    All I did was persist until I got things organised. You need to phone or email and get the correct (their version of your) Account Number and Sort Code so that you can transfer money into the account from your day to day current account, in my case my Alliance & Leicester current account.

    The next thing I done was to download the forms and apply for a Customer Card. Once you have that set up and you can log in to it, you can register benefiaries and send money from the balance in your account.

    I think it's easier if the benificiaries have PNB Philippines accounts and although when we first met my gf. now wife had another Phils account, I thought it was worth giving her the P5000 maintaining balance so that she could open a PNB Philippines account. I was lucky I didn't have to fork out another P5000 for her family cos her dad already had a PNB account.

    As far as the online remittance is concerned, I just registered online and they sent me the username and password. Then I logged in and changed the password as advised, registered my credit and debit cards (your allowed to set up two cards only) and my beneficiaries.

    My wife's PNB Philippines account is still open and that account is still on my list of beneficiaries, so when we go to Phils, we just transfer our holiday spending money into that account and then I don't have to worry about being penalised by my bank for withdrawing money in a foreign currency.

    The main thing when it comes to dealing with PNB is that you need to be persistent and patient. I found that if you send an email, then wait a couple of days, if there's no reply, send it again. It will usually get answered the second time around.

    The thing about email is that you usually get someone's name and direct number as a signature on the email and you've got more chance of following up with phone calls when you've got a name. As I said before, once you've managed to set it all up, It'll all be worth it.


  22. #52
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Hi iain is the Transfer in realtime or do you have to wait for it to be processed by the bank?
    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It's available to your benificiary the next day as the transfer takes place at the end of trading that day.

    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Thanking you Sir Kindly
    AndyPaul, I'm not sure if the transfer would be realtime if you were transferring to another Philippines bank, not PNB. I think in that case the banks would do what they always do, make your money disappear into a black hole for 4 or 5 days.


  23. #53
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I hate it when the Dollars is more value.....I start thinking of a holiday
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #54
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    All I did was get my honey to go to PNB in Phills and ask for a Global Filipino Money Card.This was issued to her the next day(she had to take two ID's with her)she then forwarded the account number to me.I in turn,posted a copy of my passport and a UK utility bill (notarised by accountant or lawyer)to PNB London along with her name and account number,and my e-mail address.Within 48 hours was all up and running.

  25. #55
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robeth View Post
    ya, they need competition to be more effective bec i just called victoria branch yesterday (after a million attempts ) for a remittance and an old lady (voice saounds very old) was very nasty and rude on the phone and sounds like she was really doing a very big favour to me.

    she asked millions of questions (which i understand for security reasons ) so i got fed up for i thought it will never end and said "i sent money every month and its never like this !" finally she did the transaction to my relief!

    heavens! i dont know whats the £5 service charge for... to be treated like that...

    Make sure you let them know of your bad experience. To often i notice people compailn about Phill companies on here. But never say anything but would of course do if it was Natwest or barclays for example.
    I have noticed when dealing with phill owned or phill memebers of staff in a company they don't see to be able to handle complaints very well. one remittance company when i complained that the transfer had been delayed for two days replied well people don't normally mind
    Well good for them let them waste their money.

    If the customer service manager of PNB, everyday recieved reports of what a fiasco the procedure was (I fully respect what you say iain) but as they are a company why should i be persistent and patient?

    They should serve you straight away if skilled members of staff are standing behind the counter. They should be able to speak both clear English english and Tagalog and not make basic mistakes. Why should i send emails which are ignored?
    If any of us in our jobs made mistakes with others money in particular we would expect to be complained to and if a consistent pattern emerged we would expect to work out how to avoid the problem occuring ever again.

    Even if you think the service is okish with flaws tell that company the flaws so they can work on iron them out.

    Any manager, director or company owner wants to hear what people think is good and bad about the serivce why do you think companies spend so much on market research?

  26. #56
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Well I've got until November before I go again and I hope the rate goes over 95 at least.
    I arranged a dive trip at P49,000 which was £550 when I first booked it, then it went up to £70 more. If it returns to 89 to 1 and above then we're OK.
    Fingers crossed eh?

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