Havent been on here for a while but i have taken all your advice and im going to phili in april to meet my fiance and apply for visa.fully prepared thanks to this forum.i hope
Although im not taking thousands of pages of yahoo chat with me.Im going to take a pic of the list of dates we have chatted and print that off(cant seem to print that list off the pc for some reason)coz to be honest i dont want anybody else ready the stuff we have talked about its way to sensitive

just a quick question if anybody knows
when i go to the bank to pay the visa fee can i take £500 sterling or do i have to go to money changer first to get peso.now i know that sounds like a stupid question becoz im going into a bank but it is the philippines and ive never set foot near one.4 shotguns and an ak-47 put me off.
anyway if nobody knows its fine.i just came back on to say thanks to everybody that gave me the advice last year it has helped me so much.
i still browse most days looking for info but i think im prepared now
take care guys i will post what happens with the application and what we handed in just in case it helps somebody else.if its successful of course