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Thread: Swedish Embassy in Manila will be closing in June 2008

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  1. #1
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Swedish Embassy in Manila will be closing in June 2008

    The Swedish Embassy in Manila announced in its website that it will be closing
    in June 2008.

    Those who are applying for visas in the country will instead be directed to
    another embassy which will take care of the visa processing (not decided yet). Sweden is a member of the Schengen countries.

    The decision was made following a review of its organization. For now, the
    embassy said they will continue their duties until June.

    Official info here:
    Best regards.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Getting ready for the EU/schengen embassies i guess. Thats going to have one massive queue outside it in some countries.

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Getting ready for the EU/schengen embassies i guess. Thats going to have one massive queue outside it in some countries.
    The rule to apply for a Schengen visa is to apply to the embassy of the country you will reside or enter first in your travel. You can't choose yourself.

    Schengen treaty means also interconnection of database for immigration between all countries and embassies. So applying for a visa in a Schengen country mean immigration verifications in all the 24 countries.
    Best regards.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post
    The rule to apply for a Schengen visa is to apply to the embassy of the country you will reside or enter first in your travel. You can't choose yourself.

    Schengen treaty means also interconnection of database for immigration between all countries and embassies. So applying for a visa in a Schengen country mean immigration verifications in all the 24 countries.
    Indeed the wife has applied for two schengen visa.

    But in the Uk Broadsheets there has been talk of the Eu having Embassies for all or any of the countries in the EU.

    To save money on the part of the Nations i presume, as already many countries use another countries Embassy for various reasons including money saving and political.

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Indeed the wife has applied for two schengen visa.

    But in the Uk Broadsheets there has been talk of the Eu having Embassies for all or any of the countries in the EU.

    To save money on the part of the Nations i presume, as already many countries use another countries Embassy for various reasons including money saving and political.
    I never heard anything on this here in Europe. The work of an Embassy is not only dealing with visas (it's only a small part of their job). The most important is to represent and promote the country. Until we have the United State of Europe (and we are far from this) we will not have a unique embassy for all E.U. countries. Sweden is closing his Embassy but will have a Consul representing their country.
    Best regards.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Some talk about mergers including the daily mail which loves a good euro scare story.

    The new reformed treaty of lisbon Intends to create a European diplomatic service and the new postion of EU foreign minster amongst all the other good and bad stuff (im neither a EU secptic or EU lover personally its there so i just deal with it) im led to belive.

    Once there a EU embassies i would have thought many countries particularly the not so well off ones would at least want to utlise the manpower of the EU for routine Admin and buliding space.

    I have been numerous Embassies in the UK and most have Workers in them who are local british or eu workers, so it would seem it does not matter what nationality performed those tasks.

    I could see the EU buys/lease a big buliding and all the countries have there own areas. Im sure the can still in key countries still have an ambadssors house for all the "National Intrest" actvities.

    The UK for one has shut down both Embassies and consuls in recent years and im sure others have. I know for a fact that Embassies (from a various regions of the world) are normally very tight on costs far more than private companies of all sizes and british goverment services.

  7. #7
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    This was not relayed in the French newspapers.

    Anyway even if E.U. headquarter is working on this, it's far from being approved by all countries.
    May be in 50 years...
    Best regards.

  8. #8
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Found on Manila Swedish Embassy website:
    Read here:

    The Embassy of Sweden cannot receive new applications for residence and work permits

    The time slots for interview for a residence and work permit are fully booked until the closure of the Embassy of Sweden on May 31, 2008. Thus the Embassy cannot accept any new applications.
    The Embassy of Sweden in Manila has no more time slots for interviews for residence and work permits until the closure of the Embassy on May 31, 2008.
    The new procedure will be posted on the website as soon as it is completed. It will be the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok that will take over the applications for residence and work permits from the Philippines.
    E-mail your questions to:

    Here is the web site of the Swedish Embassy in Thailand:
    It's far and costly if you have to travel there...
    Best regards.

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