Hello. My fiancee and baby will be applying soon for the fiancee and dependants visa. If successfull we'll be staying with my parents. My parents have a private lease , been renting for 5 yrs ,we have nice landlords who are our neighbours. Lease is through Leasing agent still though. Landlord has no objection to gf and baby staying. So, just to check, i'm seeking a letter from the leasing agent stating my landlords have no objection to gf and baby moving in ? I'll have a big double room here. We are to prove we don't contravene the housing act and have a room for our exclusive use, how is this best done ?

Financially i have about 3 grand and earn 200 quid a week. Not the best by a longshot. I have an option here of getting my dad to write a letter saying he can offer support if needed, and he can back this up with bank statements showing wealth. Should i do this ? Is it making my application stronger? I'm aware it may be interpreted as "relies on daddy" but that couldn't be further from the truth! Thanks for previous advice everyone....

Jim ps ,applying in 3 weeks time would be lovely to get visas by post wow, whats the chances!!?!