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Thread: In search for Mactan Island volunteer roving reporters

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  1. #1
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    hey guys,

    I found a new site called [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Wave.gif[/img] [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/FlippieSpammer.gif[/img] , it is by far the only site I have known which is especially made and focus on Mactan Island and all its abundant compostion that we can surely be proud of. I am a true blue Mactan Islander and i always wanted to promote my hometown. Too few people know it by name yet it has the most scenic, powdery beaches and diving spots that lured tourists from all over to keep on coming back here. Join us here and instantly you get your own blog. Your own account where you can customize your themes and some other privileges like post on forums, vote or submit news or fill in event calendars. Registraiton is FREE. Your community is beyond the reach of your imagination. Indeed some of our members are foreigners who are interested to read your reviews and are curious to travel here. We need you creativity to promote Mactan&#39;s ecotourism.

    So grab the oppotunity and join us for FREE&#33;&#33;&#33;

    Thanks and see you there.

    Everyone is open to join. This is not exclusive for Mactan residents only. Wherever you are, you always have a place at Mactan island&#33;


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    I haer there is a lot of developement planned for Mactan Island and they must be looking for ways of promoting interest.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you&#39;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>So grab the oppotunity and join us for FREE&#33;&#33;&#33; [/b][/quote]

    I have, I visited your site, lifted your email address, please apologise or I will be registering you on all the porn & FFA sites I can find...FOR FREE&#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Grin.gif[/img]

    Keith & Ping

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  4. #4
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    Not sure if it was Keith or Ping, but one of your are a very rude and vulger individual.

    Whomever posted on your web site is not one of the owners of the web site, nor were they told to do any type of posting on any other web sites. You should get your facts in order and correct before you place a comment such as you have on our site:

    The actions of the "roving reporter" who it appears had made the posting on your forum, will be brought to her attention the next time she brings a submission to us for inclusion on our site.

    We receive submissions from persons freely, that&#39;s the idea behind a public forum. However, if you feel like what somebody had posted on your site was not in-line with what your site is about, (I have not taken the time to read what win2winracing is nor do I really care) then you should delete the post and get on with life, instead of insulting persons who are not deserving of such comments.

    May you receive, what you offer to give to others.


    PS: We&#39;re going to go ahead and report you to your ISP, you are probably in violation of their TOS for using their net connection to make threats.

  5. #5
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    Persistent bugger aren&#39;t you...BANNED again&#33;&#33; Now if you would have just come back and apologised, I would have left it at that.

    Spamming is illegal in Europe, and as you are fully aware of the person responsible, then you are liable for any legal action we bring against you.

    It costs a lot of money to run, and advertise web sites, and you ABUSED us by thinking you can take advatange of that fact.

    I think you are pathetic, and a complete waste of space, ABUSING out trust & friendship, by promoting your company on some one elses hard work.

    We are reporting you to your ISP for spamming abuse (which is against your ISP&#39;s T&C) in contravention of UK & European law, and may issue a fixed penalty adverting rate of £500 as layed out in the companies T&C.

    Isn&#39;t it strange that the two above usernames both have THE SAME IP address
    &#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif[/img] The both have similar usernames......and they both SPAM the name of the comapny in them&#33;&#33; How STUPID is that? One and the same. It&#39;s also a little strange that out of 100,000&#39;s of forums, you come STRAIGHT to this one..... [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Erm.gif[/img]

    Keith & Ping

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  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Good day administrators,

    I&#39;m here for my 2nd visit to apologize on posting to win2winracing forum particularly on your New-Philippines topic about I have read your reactions and replies to my posting and wanted to personally recognize that it was an a mistake in the first place. I wanted to clear;s liability to this issue that the said community website has not asked me nor am I connected to the owner of such site. I found the site on the internet and was interested on what their site was all about as I am from Mactan myself. Sorry if it cause you negative reactions of using your site for advertisement purposes. I didn&#39;t intentionally want to divert your members to transfer to or any other reason at all. Bottom line is I am sorry, hopefully you&#39;ll accept my apology and forget about it. I promise not to do it again and get on with my life.

    Thank you so much for hearing my side.



    PS. Hope this will be resolved asap in good terms.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm23.gif[/img] You&#39;ve just SPAMMED the company name AGAIN&#33;&#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Erm.gif[/img]

    I accept your apology, but you&#39;ve screwed everything up now, as it appears we have all been reported to our respective ISP&#39;s.

    I will also be reporting your email address to Yahoo for breaching there T&C on spamming. Nice of you to convict yourself in public&#33;

    Next time, you may want to read the T&C you AGREED to when joining a forum. I CHARGE for advertising, and do not take kindly to people abusing me.

    This issue is not now closed, as both my company, and Mactan have to see what action our respective ISP&#39;s take, thanks to YOUR actions.

    Keith & Ping

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  8. #8
    Respected Member
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    Was that from the guy who was going to rip your F-----g head off when he passes your way

    if so could it be televised [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif[/img]
    You have enemies? Good. That means you&#39;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

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