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Thread: The disgraceful Agenda of the Migrating Filipina.

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The disgraceful Agenda of the Migrating Filipina.

    A story from my private e mail box -

    A story for all of you, that how thankful we are that this kind of thing did not happen to any of us.

    I received an e mail just now from Richard who lives in Middlesborough, he has allowed me to publish the contents of his email as a warning to any of you out there who may have suspicions about their girl.

    Richard met Maricel in Surigao del Sur, they met at FH and had been talking online for about 6 months when Richard went out to meet her.

    Richard never suspected anything untoward about his beautiful girlfriend, even though he was introduced to her brother Manny, he just thought it was all a loving family.

    Anyway, Richard fell in love with Maricel and they agreed to marry, Richard bought Maricel all the usual things, a top end cellphone with camera, and began sending her a reasonably generous allowance of P20,000 Per month.

    After the wedding in the Philippines, everything seemed to be fine, the marriage visa finally came through ok, and about 3 months ago, Maricel landed in London's Terminal 3 aboard our very well known Cathay Pacific.

    Richard could not believe how nice Maricel had changed, when they met in the arrivals hall, (done it many times as you all know) she seemed different, she had dyed her hair in a rather strange way, her hair was browny colour, Richard did not like it, and she seemed not to be the same person.

    All the way back to Middlesborough, she was quiet, nothing Richard did helped, in fact all the tell tale signs were there, if he looked hard enough, the problem is, when you don't know what is wrong, there is little you can do about it.

    Anyone who is married to a Filipina will have been through this, mood swings can often make a British husband think she hates him, but Richard was determined to pesevere.

    After a week, she was worse, did not want to go out, did not want to meet his parents, would not go anywhere, scowled at him night and day.

    She behaved in such a way that he often felt like throttling her or garotting her with a shoe lace, but as I said, Rich pesevered and tried to do as much as he could to make Maricel happy.

    After booking a week off work to stay with Maricel at home, he had no choice but to return to work, now it was even worse, when he came home from work, Maricel had been hanging on to the curtains, watching through the window, and seemed pleased to see Richard when he got home, but still she made his life unbearable.

    Often he would ask her questions about life, was she sick, maybe even home sick, because that seemed the most plausible situation.

    Maricel often cried at night, and Richard suggested she call her family for support, she gladly did this, when Richard suggested he buy her a phone card her eyes lit up.

    Days went by and she was calling more and more on the phone cards, he must have been spending 50 to 60 pounds per week, although he suggested VOIP her family could not get to a cafe, or have a PC at home.

    Whenever he came home, Maricel would be chatting away in her own dialect, and of course like many of us, he could not detect anything unusual in her chatting, other than the fact that whenever he asked who was on the other end, it was always her brother.

    Maricel had always professed a close relationship with her brother, since it was he who had looked after her when she was young.

    Richard thought nothing of it at the time, other than often wondering why she would be on the phone all the time, and kind of realized that this relationship might not be what it seemed.

    Finally, he succumbed to the fact, that if you think something is not quite right, then it probably isn't healthy.

    He was researching on the net when he decided he had to know what was being said, although warned not to do this, he decided to buy a telephone recording device to fit to his BT Phone, and promptly did this while Maricel was playing bingo with a Filipina she met downtown.

    On the Monday when he went to work, Maricel would be up to her old tricks again of getting on the phone and chatting to her loving brother.

    Unknown to Maricel, every word she spoke during a 1 hour conversation was being secretly recorded in another room, it was not long before Rich arrived home, and when Maricel was out again, as she had frequently started meeting other Filipinas who worked as Nurses, he decided to find out exactly what was being said.

    His 1st port of call was a Nurse whose husband was also a Brit, he asked her to review the contents of the taped conversation to find out if he should have any concerns whatsoever.

    His friend gladly listened intently to the opening remarks, when his Nurse friend finally told him the truth, he could not believe what he was hearing.

    Maricel's so called brother was in fact her Filipino lover, whom she had been with for years, they had concocted a plan to get themselves out of poverty, and Maricel had been pushed into meeting a foreigner for the purposes of marriage, and eventually financial support.

    On the tape, Maricel complained to the Filipino boyfriend that she could not keep up the act, and that Richard was already suspicious, the plan was for her to live in UK for 2 years and get indefinate leave to remain, then she would divorce the husband, and go back to Philippines and bring her boyfriend back on a Fiancee visa.

    By this time she would have a good job and could support him, after all her Filipina barkada would help her.

    Richard just sat open mouthed and could not believe the story as it unfolded, he put all the peices together and finally the jigsaw puzzle came together, again he was shellshocked.

    Richard has asked me to relate this story to the forum, as he has been on the forum before, but does not want to be indentified as a user, he also used my website to go through the marriage and visa process.

    He is devastated, and last month, he packed up Maricels things in 2 suitcases, and threw her on the street, Maricel called the Police, but when they came they did nothing other than to say, that the property was Richards, and that they could not interfere, as far as he knows Maricel is living rough with a couple of other Filipinas in a bedsit.

    He has told me that he has been in touch with the Home Office, and has given them a full written account of the story, and left the matter with them

    He tells me he is about £10,000 out of pocket in expenses, for the flights, holidays, wedding, gifts to family, cash, jewelry, and a Motor Cycle gift for the so cold loving brother.

    And said, he often laments on how could this have happened to him, and that until she arrived in UK he had no idea of what would follow.

    He is waiting for 12 months to pass so that he can instigate a divorce proceeding and is taking legal advice from a firm of solicitors regarding a possible immigration scam.

    I am sure you will all join me in wishing him well, Richard has told me to tell all the readers here, he is not bitter towards anyone, but say's he just wanted to share this story, to say that he hopes it happens to no one else.

    On reading between the lines, I can only say as a moderator what I always say in these situations.

    If something looks too good to be true, it normally isn't and if you suspect something is not quite right, your suspicions are on the whole correct.

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    That's awful story and I feel bad for Richard. I hope Maricel will suffer or get karma to what she have done to poor Richard and I'm sure she will never be allow to come here in UK ever again.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    this is such a tragic story peter..
    surprisingly its not unusual for this to happens seems like..
    chatted with the lady from CFO
    she said a good number of filipinas married to foreigners come to CFO even with their filipino boyfriends..

  4. #4
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    sorry to hear/read this kind of story but i think i've heard same story long time ago and i can't believe it where is their concience people like (Maricel and said brother) for someomne like Richard which is so kind

  5. #5
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Maybe the story you posted should make us chaps reflect on how lucky we are with OUR Filipinas.


  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Alan, yes you are quite correct, Richard is reading all your comments, but I told him to come on the forum, he doesn't feel like it at the moment, he kind of feels embarrassed and I can quite understand this.

    We certainly are lucky, Miss Gina told me she wanted to ring her neck, that is the Maricel woman, but sadly as Love888 said, (Elsa) these things do happen, and they are a fact of life.

    She said, it gives the Filipina a bad name, but of course there is good and bad everywhere, we cannot stereo type all Filipina's because we all know this is not something 99 per cent of them would do.

    Richard just wanted all of us to be aware of this story because he doesn't want other guys to go through it, but I fear his admission of this story will not stop it happening to a.n. other unsuspecting in the future.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Alan, yes you are quite correct, Richard is reading all your comments, but I told him to come on the forum, he doesn't feel like it at the moment, he kind of feels embarrassed and I can quite understand this.

    We certainly are lucky, Miss Gina told me she wanted to ring her neck, that is the Maricel woman, but sadly as Love888 said, (Elsa) these things do happen, and they are a fact of life.

    She said, it gives the Filipina a bad name, but of course there is good and bad everywhere, we cannot stereo type all Filipina's because we all know this is not something 99 per cent of them would do.

    Richard just wanted all of us to be aware of this story because he doesn't want other guys to go through it, but I fear his admission of this story will not stop it happening to a.n. other unsuspecting in the future.
    Yes Peter, a fact of life - and yes, it will happen again (and again.)
    Let's hope more and more prospective 'grooms' join our forum and maybe our 'family' will be able to 'save' someone.

    Good luck Richard, you have the thoughts and good wishes of dozens of people on here, I am sure.


  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Alan, I am going to post a sticky of all the compilations of scams I have had e mails about over the last 2 years, hopefully Keith will sticky it and then it will come up in a search function, plus I will write a page about it on my website in due course.

    I want guys to be alert to this kind of behaviour and be absolutely sure before they commit, the trouble with all of this, is when a guy goes down he goes down hard, that is financially, and emotionally.

    The thing that we in the West often fail to realize is that, Poverty is the underlying cause of lots of these scams, these people just have to survive and attaching themselves to a kano or a Brit is one way in which they can just about survive, think about the P20,000 a month he was sending for 6 months, when you consider some lazy ass Filipino good for nothing real time looser has been living off Richard, its something as a family we have got to try and stop if we can.

    Poverty in the Philippines causes some people to be very innovative in how they dream up ways of obtaining money by deception, the path of love and marriage is one sure way for females to do this.

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I think this is a good idea.

    Its not just Filipinos and Filipinas who do it we must add and its about poverty and that some humanswhatever there background, religion or culture will trample over others to get what they want.

    A friend of mine met one Filipina online by chance totally independent of me he was chatting to her for a while and by chance mentioned her to me as it got "serious". We were just chatting in the pub about this girl and as he told me their story alarm bells went off about certain aspects. But my friend whos is full of common sense and not easily mugged off in the UK. Had not picked up on any of the points as you had to understand the differences in culture and various points of the way most filipinas would behave.
    I then arranged for him to meet my Wife and a friend of hers also from phill he talked about various points of her story, they way she behaved, showed some photos she had sent. The Wife rang up and made a few calls (prices may have changed in a few years) and my mate could see my wife was like .

    So the Wife offered to get some friends to meet her, the friend made excuses and things which my mate before had not noticed started to seem a bit strange.

    Another lady he was chatting to slowly develpoped into a little more and again he talk to the Wife and her friend, this time her story made sense. Ok everyone is different,but no points which sounded the alarm.
    The girl was happy to talk to my wifes friends and the wife it just made more sense. He has since met her and she seems a lovely girl.

    Possibly the other Lady was perfectly fine but to many alarm bells and the mate has met a Lady who he knew a little more about before they met in person.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Poverty in the Philippines causes some people to be very innovative in how they dream up ways of obtaining money by deception.

    You've only got to look at the volume of scamming from Africa to see that what starts as desperation to escape poverty becomes a lucrative business and I'm sure many people in other countries start to realise this and that many westerners are "soft touches".
    Unfortunately cases like this are what makes the British immigration system so suspicious of all women from the far east who come here on fiancee and spouse visas. As much as we hate the inconvenience for us they're trying to protect us. Unfortunately this one slipped through the net. Obviously she was a very good liar.

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    You've only got to look at the volume of scamming from Africa to see that what starts as desperation to escape poverty becomes a lucrative business and I'm sure many people in other countries start to realise this and that many westerners are "soft touches".
    Unfortunately cases like this are what makes the British immigration system so suspicious of all women from the far east who come here on fiancee and spouse visas. As much as we hate the inconvenience for us they're trying to protect us. Unfortunately this one slipped through the net. Obviously she was a very good liar.
    A good point although tougher measures make it harder when you look at it from a border security issue its amazing they have only just brought in the level of checks they have.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Alan, yes you are quite correct, Richard is reading all your comments, but I told him to come on the forum, he doesn't feel like it at the moment, he kind of feels embarrassed and I can quite understand this.

    We certainly are lucky, Miss Gina told me she wanted to ring her neck, that is the Maricel woman, but sadly as Love888 said, (Elsa) these things do happen, and they are a fact o life
    Yes,Peter it is happen all over the world not only to a britsh or american as it happened to my brother.

  13. #13
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I am sorry for what had happened to Richard, but at least he knew everything as early as now before it will be too late..

    and yes sis Elsa, it is really sad to know that it is happening all over the world..

  14. #14
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    just read the story,my hubby is not a member here
    but he read the story as well..we both speechless
    after,its very sad i feel sorry for what happened to richard.
    hes a nice man,and i just hope he find the right girl coz
    he deserve it.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    I was teary eyed when i read the story of Richard. Just can't believe some girls are doing this. Just to be out of poverty they use other person on their way to success. She will have a Karma. I'm so sorry this had happened to Richard. He seems a genuine person and was just unlucky he met a scammer. I just hope he will find the right girl for him.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  16. #16
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Very Sad Story....I feel sorry about what happened to Richard...May God give you strength to overcome this...I know someday there's a better and wonderful life waiting for you...

  17. #17
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Its interesting that when Rich and I chat about it on Windows Messenger, he said that he is not bitter towards Maricel only that she ruined his happiness, he doesn't blame her for trying to escape a life of poverty, he just wish she come clean about it.

    But when he throw her out on the street, she screamed that it was the Filipino boyfriend who put her up to it, and that she had Utang to pay off in the Philippines, also the boyfriend has Utang, so thats why they hatched this plan.

    I think Rich is not put off having a Filipino wife, he just wants to try and sort out the divorce as quick as possible, and then count his losses, and start again, he said to me which I thought was quite fantastic given the circumstances "Well Pete, it can only get 100 per cent better, lightning never strikes twice in the same place."

  18. #18
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Hi sir pete. I feel bad about this kind of story specially when our own kababayan involved on this kind of scamming.

    To Richard, our supports is with you and may the good Lord Bless you.

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