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Thread: Walks in the UK

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  1. #1
    Member Juana's Avatar
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    Walks in the UK

    Hey guys! Wonder if anyone on here had been to any of the walks? To those humurous people, this is not about walks through shopping malls or walks to and from your work or anything like that. Now don't be silly.

    I've always wanted to go for walks in the lake district but don't know where to start and have persuaded hubby to go for it sometime but doesn't seem to care. Since spring is nearly coming (i hope), i think it'll be the best time to plan for this activity. I enjoy the outdoors and I know England has good scenic views in the countryside. Im not the typical girl who would go to shopping malls, i like to keep myself active and try to get into different activities. So far here in the UK, going to the gym, swimming and playing badminton are how active i could get.
    Any ideas anyone? Care to join me with this? I am from Manchester and preferably would like to start somewhere near (like lake district or leeds as i saw on some websites). Where could i find route maps? For a start, i'll try Mr WH Smith and other bookstores. Any suggestions? recommendations?

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Wainwright is the author of great books on the lake district

    There are the the Ramblers which many of us take for granted including me but do great works to keep pathways accessible and the like.

    Another one useful well the Wife and I found it useful was
    this one which told us a bout local wildlife reserves which are great
    to walk around and we have quite a few where we live in london one just
    a mile up the road.

    My Mum and Dad were into walking and still are although older.

    If you are going to walk let people know where your going.

    If you go walking in proper areas like the Lake district in the hills and mountains the weather can change while your out and you could soon be in trouble.

    Make sure you take a backpack with some water and a little food. Always take a map and a compass, they say a whistle just in case you take a tumble and full of a path, now days many take a GPS device. I would also take a torch and make sure even on a perfect summers day you take wet weather gear if you really are going any distnace the weather can change very quickly.
    Most importantly get some good shoes and socks and enjoy.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Care to join me with this? I
    Wowowee ! omg omg omg a Filipina who wants to go for country walks ?

    I cannot believe it (Victor Meldrew)

    This is good news, well what can I say, perhaps we should all meet up as a forum, those who love hiking and fell walking.

    Certainly a good place to meet could be Ambleside, there is a nice couple of walks up the fells towards Scaffel pike, or what about Striding Edge, look it up on Google, look at the images, its quite a great sight to see.

    Of course, map and compass is required, or Garmin satnav if you are that way inclined, but I love using Ordinance Survey maps with a good solid silva compass, nothing better.

    Back in the late 70's we used to use the lakes during my military service for orienteering and general endurance walking, although not sure if I can do it these days, but always willing to give it a try.

    I did take Miss Gina with me to the Lakes for walking, we got to Ambleside, and then took the Kirkstone pass to Ulswater, she did remark on "Where is the mall"

    Then we saw some of Rob's friends in the Kirkstone pass, mainly a herd of Sheep, Miss Gina was not impressed, and wanted to know how far it was back to Civilization.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    We are here in Scotland and I am glad to say that we have lots of walks here..

  5. #5
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    At last, another filipina like my wife, when Ligaya gets here in three weeks time, me her and our baby(in the baby carrier) will be heading out over the malverns, clee, clent, and various bits of Shropshire and Wales as she wants to get back to top fitness after giving birth(she runs mountain marathons in Hong Kong) so I am sure we will also hed up to the peak district and the Lakes at some time. We will look you up then. She is already talking about white water canoeing to replace our joint hobby of dragon boat racing, OMG what did I marry!!!
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    At last, another filipina like my wife, when Ligaya gets here in three weeks time, me her and our baby(in the baby carrier) will be heading out over the malverns, clee, clent, and various bits of Shropshire and Wales as she wants to get back to top fitness after giving birth(she runs mountain marathons in Hong Kong) so I am sure we will also hed up to the peak district and the Lakes at some time. We will look you up then. She is already talking about white water canoeing to replace our joint hobby of dragon boat racing, OMG what did I marry!!!

    Lordy mountain marathons

  7. #7
    Member Juana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    I am sure we will also hed up to the peak district and the Lakes at some time. We will look you up then.
    Will be looking forward to that!

  8. #8
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi there JMR 1019,
    I went for a trail run up on a plce called Wenlock edge in Shropshire yesterday, great weather, stunning views across to North Wales. I would add it to your list of hikes you want to do
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  9. #9
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    im going to join the Coventry C.H.A Ramblers Club soon...
    but i have to buy some gears first, left all my hiking gears at cebu.
    didn't know that coventry has nice walks...

  10. #10
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    Hey guys! Wonder if anyone on here had been to any of the walks? To those humurous people, this is not about walks through shopping malls or walks to and from your work or anything like that. Now don't be silly.

    I've always wanted to go for walks in the lake district but don't know where to start and have persuaded hubby to go for it sometime but doesn't seem to care. Since spring is nearly coming (i hope), i think it'll be the best time to plan for this activity. I enjoy the outdoors and I know England has good scenic views in the countryside. Im not the typical girl who would go to shopping malls, i like to keep myself active and try to get into different activities. So far here in the UK, going to the gym, swimming and playing badminton are how active i could get.
    Any ideas anyone? Care to join me with this? I am from Manchester and preferably would like to start somewhere near (like lake district or leeds as i saw on some websites). Where could i find route maps? For a start, i'll try Mr
    WH Smith and other bookstores. Any suggestions? recommendations?
    Hi there jmr,
    as i was reading your thread i was overwhelmed on how much you like to go for a walk in a countryside while on my side i am moaning how week gone so fast and always grumpy and try to be happy if monday arrives because thats the day we usually go out walking for about more or less 10 miles.I know exercise is good but probably I am just too lazy I have done it for about over a year now we go from different places as well i have been most part of peak district and its nice and i have been to different canals as well.anyway enjoy your walking
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    you could find route maps in any bookstore near you
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

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