It is hard to believe that when both Rhea & myself decided that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together last May that it has now come down to tomorrow when i head away to spend 3 weeks then return home here to Ireland with my beautiful friend&wife.

We have spent many conversations on the phone since last May talking about preparing for the Wedding etc.
I cannot count the amount of times we chatted online probably 2-4 times a week for nearly a year, i always was glad that we could chat and use the webcam but it was frustrating having to say goodbye sooooo many times.

Then there was the evidence of nearly every online chat, phone cards, plane tickets, hotel receipts, gift receipts, deeds of my house, wage slips, bank statements, birth cert, western union receipts etc etc etc.

Then there was the saving for each trip and the wedding or in my case for the first time i got and was thankful i had a visa card as i always said i would never use one but in the end it came to the rescue.

Then there was the trip last November for the wedding( i do not think us guys ever really understand how much work our amazing wives go to) followed by the honeymoon and then yet again we had to part.

The hardest part for me was the period from the wedding trip until now coz finally we were married but now it was the waiting time until we applied for and got the visa.

But as i started out saying finally that day has come were tomorrow after work i fly to London, spend one night in a hotel then fly at 11am on Tuesday and arrive at Cebu airport at 18.55 Philippines time.

Would i do it all over again?

Without a question YES for sure!!!!

So if you are about to start this whole process or you are in the middle of it, HOLD TIGHT. It will be so worth it in the end. I have received so much help from the Moderators & members from this forum who once again i thank, and you will also!!

Goodbye for now...
