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Thread: Advice on Tuberculosis treatment

  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Unhappy Advice on Tuberculosis treatment

    Hello all, just looking for advice and input from you.

    Bit of background.My fiancee lives in Angeles City with my baby,her mom Aquida,and Edilyn my step daughter(12)

    Jessicas mom Aquida is 70 and collapsed coughing blood. She admitted to hospital on 16 March. She has been diagnosed with ACTIVE TB.
    Of course, this needs a course of antibiotics for a year. The doctor has been a bit flippant and its okay to release her. I am hesitant to do so,as I think she should rest for 2 weeks for the antibiotics to work and she may be infectious.

    She wishes to travel to Manila where other family is and no baby.I understand that,but is it okay for the trip?

    I picked up the bill for most of the household to be tested at St Catherines.Its about 200-500 per test.

    Transport to Manila. Can you do that before the end of month? The bill is getting more and more expensive the more she stays!

    Thanks for your input

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    TB isn't reallt that infectious, and as long as she take the AB she should recover, but as you say, you need them for months. Most Europeans with TB take mixed AB.

    If she doesn't finish the course, it then becomes resistant, and that is when it is dangerous, although it sounds like she's had symptoms for months and ignored them. Coughing blood is the later stages.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    as far as i know tb treatment in the philippines is free if you go to the government/public hospital and they will supply you 6 months tb antibiotics but also you have the choice to go private well its really that expensive...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  4. #4
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    As far as I know any patients can ask a permission to check out as long as they have their medication with them. Instead of staying in the hospital why not having a regular check up because the more you stay there the higher you will pay for the bill so instead you pay the bill buy all her medication instead. She can ask a request that she's no longer can’t afford to pay the bill then they might release her.If she stay in the house you have to separate all her glass/plates/spoon so it won't tranfer to other.I know it sounds cruel but we don't want the others will be infected.isn't it.

  5. #5
    Member Juana's Avatar
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    TB is very infectious and has a high mortality rate when left untreated.
    The infectivity really depends on the antibiotic resistance of the organism (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Some strains are very sensitive (easily killed - antibiotic working) and some are quite resistant (still growing even with antibiotics). I suggest since she's still in the inital course of antibiotics, it is important to be extra cautious and treat it as infectious especially with babies/children where their immune system is weaker (still developing). There's no harm in doing this it is only for everybody's safety and im sure she would understand.

    I used to work in a government hospital laboratory (TB referral Lab) in the Phils and they give free medication and all tests were free where i worked.
    Make sure she takes the meds in a regular basis and not to miss it as this may result to an ineffective treatment and the bacteria being more resistant thus becoming it even more difficult to treat.

    I'm not sure how often doctors request the tests during the course of treatment but when having her tests, it is advisable to have her spit out the first morning sputum as it is more concentrated (I know it sounds gross to all not used to it) and do this in three consecutive days and not three times during the day (often mistake).
    Rest is vital for patients as they get weak with the disease. Home treatment is alright as long as you take all advise given by doctor to stop disease from spreading.
    After the course of treatment (usually 6 mos) if everthing is negative and even culture is negative then that means she's infection free!!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by love8888 View Post
    As far as I know any patients can ask a permission to check out as long as they have their medication with them. Instead of staying in the hospital why not having a regular check up because the more you stay there the higher you will pay for the bill so instead you pay the bill buy all her medication instead. She can ask a request that she's no longer can’t afford to pay the bill then they might release her.If she stay in the house you have to separate all her glass/plates/spoon so it won't tranfer to other.I know it sounds cruel but we don't want the others will be infected.isn't it.
    I agree with u sis same like my grandma they diagnosed ACTIVE TB last year, she undergo medication for 7 months , She’s aware about the foods and the utensils to be used and she limit the way she holds her apos (grandchildren). She recover fast due for good medication and most important the attention and care of the whole family. Thank God she’s fine now.

    To gary…if there’s a good doctor just around the town/city go for it , it can easily cured as long as they don’t skip medication and visiting the doctor regularly.

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