[quote name='Pauldo' date='Apr 27 2006, 08:48 PM' post='5527']
"I feel sorry for the poor old guy, if he is indeed what he makes out to be: a lonely old chap looking for love... "
Hey guys!! PLEASE can we less of the appalling ageism!!! This poor fellow has enough problems without having to suffer the epithet "old" TWICE in the same sentence!
He is only in his early fifties, and that is NOT "old".
Seriously, you ought to know better!! You criticise many aspects of the UK, and I am in general agreement with the vast majority of your comments, but rampant ageism is something which is quite intolerable.
We have come to accept that we should not discriminate for reasons of gender, race, creed, etc - but why is it that we still consider it perfectly acceptable to be offensive about someone's age - especially when they are NOT old????
OK, speech over - I hope someone can give this guy the help he needs so that he can be with the wife he loves.