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Thread: preparing for arrival of spouse and baby

  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    preparing for arrival of spouse and baby

    Hi everyone,
    less than three weeks to go before they arrive and I have a couple of questions. I chased down my medical card number today from the last doctor i was registered with before moving to Hong kong some years ago and I have found a clinic in Harborne to register with. With regard to my wife and baby clearly they do not have such a medical card. What is the procedure to get them and does using a GP break the "no recourse to public funds"note on her settlement visa. We have full family BUPA but need aGP to refer in the first place if we have any problems that need attention. I guess baby is okay as he is British passport holder/citizen.

    I tried searching medical card on here but got a load of non relevant posts
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  2. #2
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Scott,
    You just take your wife and baby along to the doctors surgery, fill in a form and get them registered with the doctor. The surgery will contact the local Area Health Authority and they will issue the medical cards, though it usually takes up to six weeks. They will probably want to examine your wife and baby and they will also want to arrange a schedule for vaccinations for your baby.

    This does not break the "No Recourse To Public Funds" rule, as everyone living in this country is entitled to free healthcare regardless of visa status.



  3. #3
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Thanks Iain, baby just had his one months innoculations and fortunately the schedule along with most other things in HK is still based on British systems so we should be okay to just carry on.

    on a slightly different matter
    I am just a little worried as the next two weeeks they will be in the Phils the next two weeks before flying over and as I know you cannot protect infants against denque or malaria and they will be in very rural area for a family wedding. I know Lgaya will keep him all wrapped up despite the high summer heat and they have a baby mosquito net for him but I am still a little concerned.
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  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Scott,
    I think that denque fever is at it's highest during the rainy season from June to November, but I agree with you, both denque and malaria are quite worrying.

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The wife since coming over as a spouse has had no problems with the NHS.

    We joined the local surgery we took passports and alsorts but i don't think they really bothered just asked us to fill in forms and off we went.
    I think on the form it says the Gp reserves the right to ask you to take a medical blah blah but they can't really deny you unless they have no room which they have to say straight off.
    A card dropped though the door a few weeks later. The wife has used both the GP surgery and unforunatley A and E and had no problems what so ever.

    Very worrying regards your baby but im sure the Family will help your Wife avoid any risks they are the experts after all. Knowing the efforts they make for us big white babies, with heat and mossies a little one will have nothing to worry about.

  6. #6
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    thanks for that AndyPaul,
    it is weird with the old mossies, I get eaten alive when in Pangisinan but they dont;t itch/swell/redden much but hardly ever get bit in Palawan but when I do boy do they aggravate me, seem to like my left ankle/foot in particular. I am fairly sure Joshua will be fine but is it a worry.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

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