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Thread: Oh Not Again!!

  1. #1
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    Oh Not Again!!

    Further to my 'Abandoned' and 'Abandoned Update' posts over recent weeks, the latter, meeting a lovely Filipino nurse here in the UK has also turned pear shaped!! Even on our first date, we hadn't chatted too long and were even then intimately touching each other's hands as we had a meal together, when she said she had a serious financial situation and needed £1,700 urgently and wanted me to disclose my bank account details!! It was our first meeting. I hardly knew her. There's no way that I would meet her stupendous requests for money, let alone that sort of request at this very early stage! She said it was a 'life or death situation'. She wouldn't listen to my reasons for not being prepared to do this and then accused me of being stingy and being heartless! I said she would have to seek an alternative. She didnt even tell me what the money was for!! She just looked at me coldly and got up and said goodbye. I'm not a heartless and not stingy either. I maintain that I was within my rights to stand up and to respond to her that way. I'm really getting fed up with being deceived and discovering the questionable integrity of the Filipinos I have been associated with. Two bad apples now. What is wrong with them?? I am sure all Filipino girls aren't like this? Am I being unreasonable in refusing to pay out money of this magnitude to someone I hardly know? I don't think so. Anyway another Filipino bites the dust! Where is the real article? She must be out there somewhere!

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beedeejay View Post
    Further to my 'Abandoned' and 'Abandoned Update' posts over recent weeks, the latter, meeting a lovely Filipino nurse here in the UK has also turned pear shaped!! Even on our first date, we hadn't chatted too long and were even then intimately touching each other's hands as we had a meal together, when she said she had a serious financial situation and needed £1,700 urgently and wanted me to disclose my bank account details!! It was our first meeting. I hardly knew her. There's no way that I would meet her stupendous requests for money, let alone that sort of request at this very early stage! She said it was a 'life or death situation'. She wouldn't listen to my reasons for not being prepared to do this and then accused me of being stingy and being heartless! I said she would have to seek an alternative. She didnt even tell me what the money was for!! She just looked at me coldly and got up and said goodbye. I'm not a heartless and not stingy either. I maintain that I was within my rights to stand up and to respond to her that way. I'm really getting fed up with being deceived and discovering the questionable integrity of the Filipinos I have been associated with. Two bad apples now. What is wrong with them?? I am sure all Filipino girls aren't like this? Am I being unreasonable in refusing to pay out money of this magnitude to someone I hardly know? I don't think so. Anyway another Filipino bites the dust! Where is the real article? She must be out there somewhere!
    Don't escorts normally charge for a date?

    Run and don't look back and no not all Filipinas or any other nations ladies are all like this. Think you just had some bad luck mate.

  3. #3
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    hey bro why the despair and generalisations? its very easy to stigmatise a whole nation over 2 bad experiences, probably coz its your first exposure to filipinas? how many bad experiences have you had with english women? or women from any other country? or men from the uk, or any other country?(and i mean in business unless of the other persuasion!) y'know there's alot of strange people everywhere so dont be suprised at attempts to shaft you at any given opportunity!
    i think that internet dating is fraught with dangers of this kind and its easy to be seen as a soft touch and there are plenty of all types of people out there looking for easy prey! but hey dude you said 'no' so you're on the right path! plenty of dudes out there who found out the hard way they were being led by the nose only after spending their life savings?
    you can obviously see a scam when it arrives at your door so keep on going and wade thru the trash until you find someone who is being honest with you. there is no quick fix here, it takes time and you need to have your wits about you at all times in the early stages, and sometimes in the middle stages too! ; )
    but look it bro its still got to be a better foundation for a relationship than going down the local niteclub n pullin with ur beer goggles after you bought her a six pack of double vodka red bulls!!!
    basically i think everyman who has attempted and or succeeded with internet dating as a meeting point has been scammed at some point(some realising it and others not!!)
    and lets just say that a nurse tried to have your financial pants down, it doesnt matter whether she was a filipina or not!!
    we live and hopefully we learn
    stick with it bro and good luck, it sure is a jungle out there! : )

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    ....not all Filipinas or any other nations ladies are all like this. .....
    Just the ones you meet
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Hmm, pay £1700 on the first date or give it five years or so of marriage and then have to give 'em a house. Probably the first option is cheaper.

  6. #6
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beedeejay View Post
    Further to my 'Abandoned' and 'Abandoned Update' posts over recent weeks, the latter, meeting a lovely Filipino nurse here in the UK has also turned pear shaped!! Even on our first date, we hadn't chatted too long and were even then intimately touching each other's hands as we had a meal together, when she said she had a serious financial situation and needed £1,700 urgently and wanted me to disclose my bank account details!! It was our first meeting. I hardly knew her. There's no way that I would meet her stupendous requests for money, let alone that sort of request at this very early stage! She said it was a 'life or death situation'. She wouldn't listen to my reasons for not being prepared to do this and then accused me of being stingy and being heartless! I said she would have to seek an alternative. She didnt even tell me what the money was for!! She just looked at me coldly and got up and said goodbye. I'm not a heartless and not stingy either. I maintain that I was within my rights to stand up and to respond to her that way. I'm really getting fed up with being deceived and discovering the questionable integrity of the Filipinos I hav,e been associated with. Two bad apples now. What is wrong with them?? I am sure all Filipino girls aren't like this? Am I being unreasonable in refusing to pay out money of this magnitude to someone I hardly know? I don't think so. Anyway another Filipino bites the dust! Where is the real article? She must be out there somewhere!
    she's not a kind of girl matey,imagine that in your first date she asking that amount of money, oh no shes a scammer!!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    i think ur very unlucky

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    i think ur very unlucky
    no i think he's very lucky, she asked for alot of money straight away, and hes had a lucky escape of being milked for money over time

    talking about scammers, i watched a program about the sex trade in Angeles City yesterday and the grotty bars where some work, it was broadcast on CBC jan last year, poor gals

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    talking about scammers, i watched a program about the sex trade in Angeles City yesterday and the grotty bars where some work, it was broadcast on CBC jan last year, poor gals
    You wouldn't happen to have the address.....for research...
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Nards's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beedeejay View Post
    She just looked at me coldly and got up and said goodbye.
    how about you beedeejay, what did you ask from her? just curious if any

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You wouldn't happen to have the address.....for research...
    heaven bar, but it didn't look like heaven to me, looked like a grubby garden shed

    the gals don't take hiv tests, anyway it can be weeks, even months b4 the docs can detect hiv, but they goto a clinic for a visual checkup :NoNo.: so any guys on here ever tempted , not a good idea..

    one of the gals died of hiv and her bb has hiv, her friend died of TB

    phil gov claims they have only 1800 cases of hiv, i think it said in the last few years..

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    phil gov claims they have only 1800 cases of hiv, i think it said in the last few years..
    They only counted them in one brothel
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
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    wish you never ever met them at all!
    make you work hard
    make you spend hard
    make you want all of their love
    naughty nauthy nauthy!

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