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Thread: Fiancee Visa application and chat transcripts

  1. #1
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    Just a query raised with my fiancee while preparing for her comming interview. When we produce transcripts of our yahoo chats and our letters, does the interviewer actually read through some of the content of the transcripts. My fiancee is easily embarrassed, should i censor some of it....
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    Originally posted by Irelandken@Sep 21 2005, 11:18 PM
    Just a query raised with my fiancee while preparing for her comming interview. When we produce transcripts of our yahoo chats and our letters, does the interviewer actually read through some of the content of the transcripts. My fiancee is easily embarrassed, should i censor some of it....
    I'm not too sure, but if you posted the scripts here first we would be able to tell you if they are worth censoring or not :lol:

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 22 2005, 07:37 AM
    I'm not too sure, but if you posted the scripts here first we would be able to tell you if they are worth censoring or not :lol:
    post them ??? way, but for a small donation to cover the application fees we could be in business
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  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Irelandken@Sep 22 2005, 06:41 AM
    post them ??? way, but for a small donation to cover the application fees we could be in business

    IrelandKen, the ECO will actually scan read them to establish identity of the chatters, so my honey advises you not to put in chat transcripts which have innapropriate content, we suggest you keep your transcripts or chatting sessions clean in preparation for your interviews.

    Hope that helps

  5. #5

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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Sep 22 2005, 07:13 AM
    IrelandKen, the ECO will actually scan read them to establish identity of the chatters, so my honey advises you not to put in chat transcripts which have innapropriate content, we suggest you keep your transcripts or chatting sessions clean in preparation for your interviews.
    Hope that helps
    Either that, or bombard them with the most degrading filth possible - wouldn't you just love to see the look on their face....?

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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Sep 22 2005, 09:33 AM
    Either that, or bombard them with the most degrading filth possible - wouldn't you just love to see the look on their face....?
    I would love to see it, but i dont think Jing will appreciate it ...I've got 2-3 hours chat transcripts printed out for every day since jan this year, guess i better start reading and ripping :(
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  7. #7
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    Just slip in a few porn pics of very old women....that'll confuse them

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  8. #8
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    Originally posted by admin@Sep 23 2005, 08:31 AM
    Just slip in a few porn pics of very old women....that'll confuse them
    Hmmm, you speak in jest, but can you imagine the looks I shall get if I have to fly to the PI to collect my mother in law, if her visa application is succesful. I'm a fairly normal looking 45 yrs old. She's 64! I hope she doesn't wear the Spandex boob tube and hot pants again..... :blink: :blink: :huh:

    Toy Boy anybody?? :unsure: :mellow:

  9. #9
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Would printing the chat history, which has dates, with maybe one actual transcript per month be ok!?

    This is a tough one, because you're obviously going to discuss things that mention money, the visa process, sex and very personal stuff about you(the couple) and your family.

  10. #10

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    Originally posted by manila bound@Sep 24 2005, 03:45 AM
    Would printing the chat history, which has dates, with maybe one actual transcript per month be ok!?

    This is a tough one, because you're obviously going to discuss things that mention money, the visa process, sex and very personal stuff about you(the couple) and your family.
    Personally, if it were me (and I'm not sure how all this instant messenger archive works cos I've never used it), I'd print off a log showing when you chatted and for how long, if such a thing is possible, and not give them the content, because it's none of their damn business. They've no more right to know what you talk about over the messenger than they do what you talk about lying in bed together at night. The fact you are talking with such frequency is what is important, not the content - just as the number of times you visit is what counts, not what you talk about when you do visit.

    However, as I say, not an expert, and I'm not saying this is the correct thing to do - only what I'd do and the reason why.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Sep 24 2005, 08:27 AM
    Personally, if it were me (and I'm not sure how all this instant messenger archive works cos I've never used it), I'd print off a log showing when you chatted and for how long, if such a thing is possible, and not give them the content, because it's none of their damn business. They've no more right to know what you talk about over the messenger than they do what you talk about lying in bed together at night. The fact you are talking with such frequency is what is important, not the content - just as the number of times you visit is what counts, not what you talk about when you do visit.

    However, as I say, not an expert, and I'm not saying this is the correct thing to do - only what I'd do and the reason why.
    With the new yahoo messenger you can have logs which show dates of chats and calls(voice chat).

    Normal messenger activity is shown with just the dates and who you spoke with, the call history shows both dates, llength of calls/voice chats and who you spoke with.

  12. #12
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Personally, if it were me (and I'm not sure how all this instant messenger archive works cos I've never used it), I'd print off a log showing when you chatted and for how long, if such a thing is possible, and not give them the content, because it's none of their damn business. They've no more right to know what you talk about over the messenger than they do what you talk about lying in bed together at night.
    Come on Paul, you know the Embassy ass wipes need to know what you talk about in bed, as they will have nothing better to do than read your yahoo conversations, it gives them a thrill, and I wonder where Ben Croucher is these days.

    Which Embassy is he in these days ? I wonder hmmmm........come back Ben wherever you are, we need you pal, like a hole in the head !!

  13. #13
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    [quote=ginapeterb,Sep 24 2005, 01:13 PM]
    Come on Paul, you know the Embassy ass wipes need to know what you talk about in bed, as they will have nothing better to do than read your yahoo conversations, it gives them a thrill, and I wonder where Ben Croucher is these days.

    hmmmm..just been censoring the transcripts, as i'm going to muslim country i guess i better be extra careful???..also looks like i gonna need excess baggage....i didn't realise i talked quite so's amazing how long you spend on the net when you look back at it.
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  14. #14
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    Which Embassy is he in these days ? I wonder hmmmm........come back Ben wherever you are, we need you pal, like a hole in the head !!
    Hopefully Iraq.....we can but pray

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  15. #15

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    Originally posted by manila bound@Sep 24 2005, 11:37 AM
    With the new yahoo messenger you can have logs which show dates of chats and calls(voice chat).

    Normal messenger activity is shown with just the dates and who you spoke with, the call history shows both dates, llength of calls/voice chats and who you spoke with.
    I say go with the log with dates, who you spoke with, length of chat, etc - ie, basically, the same info you get with a telephone itemised bill. They can't see what you talked about on the phone - and so same principle applies. That would be my argument anyway.

    The other reason I would say that is because I think it's better to give them no content than some obviously censored/doctored content. With the latter, if you render your conversations quite sterile by removing all discussion of sex, visa, and anything else you dont want them to read, they might think "hmmm, what are they trying to hide from me then"? They will know that you've taken all such discussions out, especially about the visa, because it is not plausible that you would go your whole relationship without discussing it when it is the single biggest hurdle you have to get over. So rather than look like you're trying to hide something from them or pull the wool over their eyes with only half a doctored transript, I would go for just giving them a log - which is ample proof of the extent of your contact. If they ask for the content, have it ready to show, but, as with a telephone bill, the evidence is there of the extensive contact from the itemised log. You only have to prove the extent of your contact, and this is evident from such a log.

    They're a susupicious lot at the Embassy. If you give them a log, they will have evidence of the amount of time you remain in touch. If you give them the content, they will read every sentence with a suspicious eye - anything in there that even remotely looks like you've "planned" the visa process may well go against you and give them ammo to say she's only with you to get a visa to this wonderful life in the UK that none of us who were born here have ever found. There's also a whole load of evidence that may look like it contradicts the official story you give of your relationship on the forms (as obviously on the forms you will phrase everything in its best light), and they will also look out for this - it will give them the ammo to quiz your wife on nitpicky little details that no one could plan for.

    Just my two cents. As I said, I could well be wrong, i never had to consider this issue during my application so am not speaking with any authority or knowledge of how they view it.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Sep 25 2005, 03:17 PM
    They're a suspicious lot at the Embassy. If you give them a log, they will have evidence of the amount of time you remain in touch. If you give them the content, they will read every sentence with a suspicious eye - anything in there that even remotely looks like you've "planned" the visa process may well go against you and give them ammo to say she's only with you to get a visa to this wonderful life in the UK that none of us who were born here have ever found.
    I'll agree with that. It's hard to imagine the sort of scenarios a stranger could concoct from seemingly innocent conversation. A friend of mine who married and took a Filipina to the UK a few years ago had the same problem. Some stupid word play that 'could' be made to sound suspicious if a person wanted it to be, and they were arguing about what it 'really' meant, rather than what it said. Quite pitiful really, considering how trivial it was.

    Turned out the girl was a total psycho in the long run. She had never been too stable during the relationship, and as soon as her year was up and he signed for her to stay in the UK she left him and tried to get his house and business. He was a canny tattooist from down south, and everything he owned was in his brothers name. He'd been around the track a time or two, so he knew the score beforehand

    One thing that came to light from this event was an organisation his wife discovered in the UK that basically specialises in $hit stirring for Filipinas. She went to several meetings of this 'cult' and came home relating how it had been explained to her the various ways she would be able to 'clean him out' if she really wanted to :o :o :unsure: :huh:

  17. #17
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    I have to say that some of my chat transcripts are a bit embarrasing and a bit saucy, but at least it shows there is a good honest relationship going on... The guys at the Visa office would probably be reading it with one hand anyway... [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugher.gif[/img]

  18. #18
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(symonh2000 &#064; Apr 9 2006, 08&#58;43 PM) Quoted post</div><div class='quotemain'>
    I have to say that some of my chat transcripts are a bit embarrasing and a bit saucy, but at least it shows there is a good honest relationship going on... The guys at the Visa office would probably be reading it with one hand anyway... [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugher.gif[/img]
    Can you publish them on here.....and we&#39;ll.....erm.....check them for you [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif[/img]

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