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Thread: Leaving on a jet plane - private thoughts

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Leaving on a jet plane - private thoughts

    Lamenting on the Absence of your beloved when she leaves on a jet plane

    You all know that song don't you, because most of you probably have played it at one stage or another in your path to love and marriage in the Philippines.

    It kind of goes like this:
    "All my bags are packed I'm ready to go, the hubby is waiting outside with the car - my balik bayan box is packed away, oh how I hate to go.

    "So kiss me hubby it won't be long, eat properly please while I am away, promise me, you won't be drinking coke ! because I will know.

    "get me to the airport as quick as you can, check me in and carry my bags, now remember how to turn on the oven, oh I hate to go.

    So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you will pick me up, cos I am leaving on a jet plane, and soon I will be back again.

    The song doesn't actually quite go like that, but thats how it kind of is for many of us, who frequent this forum, I kind of felt like this, this morning, when I woke up alone, no matter how many times I have been through this, its always the same.

    No matter how many times we go through this, there is no denying that when your loved one returns home for a holiday or break from their life with you, the same thoughts pass through your mind.

    Wow, this is a big house !

    Wow, its so quiet here.

    Wow, I don't know what to do today.

    Wow, I can watch what I want on t.v.

    Also, you don't seem to hear the same things, ever heard the phrase, the silence is deafening.

    Honey: Rub my back, massage my shoulders, get my tortilla chips, make me a coffee, get me a cover its cold in here, honey can you get me a kebab, or honey come on its time for bed.

    No matter how much we complain, especially on Saturday nights, when the football is on, we miss those pretty little slim beauties that we ended up with.

    Thats how I feel today, and whilst I am British and try to keep the British unemotional temp going, its pretty dam hard to do.

    For about the 10th time last night my beloved jumped on a jet plane bound for Doha/Manila, and left me behind. - and I can tell you, its not been easy, I am missing her like crazy !

    The worst of it is, because of all the problems with the flagship Terminal 5, we did not even get a chance to say goodbye.

    This is how it happened.

    I was out working yesterday afternoon, I promised my beloved, i would be home for about 4pm, plenty of time to take her the 1 and a half hour drive to Terminal 3, at Heath row, sadly, with traffic problems, getting home took me 2 and a half hours.

    I was mad, stressed out, but managed to get home around 6pm, considering we had to check in at 19.30 hours, we were really pushing it, the M25 was terrible last night, stop start for about 40 miles, it was a sewer of traffic.

    We rolled into the newly re furbished Terminal 3 at around 19.50pm, with rushing and pushing, we managed to get to the check in desk for Qatar at around 8pm, not good considering we are always one the first to check in on international flights, we are always early rather than late.

    When we finally got to a check in desk, my beloved's balik bayan box was enormous, full of M and M's Cadbury's chocolates, household items, football shirts, perfumes, t shirts, jeans, yes you have heard it all before, imagine a large big Filipino balik bayan box, well your'e looking at it.

    That had to go through oversize baggage which made us more late, by the time we had done this, it was time to run for immigration, security, and through to air side.

    By the time we got up stairs, and my beloved has passed through initial security, she was gone in a flash, with 30 minutes to get to the gate, I contented myself with a text from her roaming mobile on Smart, saying that she was just boarding, by the time I got home, she was up in the air and away.

    Of course, its only 2 weeks, I will survive, I always do, but it does teach us all about one thing, not to take one another for granted, and keep your rows down to a minimum, cos remember, that person that you brought all the way back from the Philippines is your best friend, the person you sleep with every night, eat with, play with, and have at your side morning noon and night, when they are there, they can often irritate you, when they are not there, the silence is deafening, I know which situation I would rather have.

    I am leaving on a jet plane, kiss me and wait for me -

    Bumalik ka na ngayon sa akin

  2. #2
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Really thought inducing Pete, I have this yet to come. I have always been the one jetting off on business for a week or two and Ligaya is brilliant at making sure I do not forget anything and am all sorted etc. You are right about not taking your partner for granted and it is easily done when wrapped up in some work problem or whatever. Comfort yourself with the thoughts of her return, her stories and the huge smile and hug at arrivals.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    She won't let you drink Coke? What sort of tyrant is she Pete?? Are you under the ?
    I'm sure Diet Coke is OK isn't it?

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Jeez thats sounds chaotic on the way there good news that she got there in time.

    As with you the missus before going off on her trip seemed to be more worried abot how i would cope on me jack jones than planning bits for her holiday.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    At lest Pete you will see her online - although she will be sitting in your house with aircon and blues skies outside lol sorry i am not helping!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    hahahaha, thank you for that input John, its not really helping, but that is kind of typical of you, ( get in your hammock John and lie by the sea in Ozamis)

    I just called Gina on her mobile, she has just landed in Bacolod City and she is at Robinsons, getting some things for breakfast, she cannot believe she is home again.
    Well at least she is landed safely, that is all I am concerned about.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    hahahaha, thank you for that input John, its not really helping, but that is kind of typical of you, ( get in your hammock John and lie by the sea in Ozamis)

    I just called Gina on her mobile, she has just landed in Bacolod City and she is at Robinsons, getting some things for breakfast, she cannot believe she is home again.
    Well at least she is landed safely, that is all I am concerned about.
    Before you know it pete we could be neighbours in the Philippines (give an take the islands in between)

    Just sell your house and live there on the Interest, you can always survive on Rice & Fish lol

    Oh i miss my hammock especially on panglao beach at the Lost Horizon resort

  8. #8
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Here you go Peter - just for you.


  9. #9
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    It would help a bit if I remembered to put the link, wouldn't it?


  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    It would help a bit if I remembered to put the link, wouldn't it?
    Here's a link for Al
    Keith - Administrator

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