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Thread: Business ideas in Phil

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Would you prefer Indians than Fil giving support on English language?
    I don't have anything against Indian, but I am quite sure that Fil English is much, much better than theirs...
    Maybe to cut the costs of putting up a call center business from nothing, might be a better solution to enter partnership to those who already operates in that area?
    The idea of a call center business is not bad on my opinion, it do need a lot of thinking. Big companies and worldwide banks are already moving their call centers in Phil...there must be another way to interact in the middle of this and also create a job to locals...
    My first approach when I think of business is not making lots of money and to become rich, I think more of the challenge and the tasks that I need to undertake to achieve good results.
    If call centers is not very appetizing as a business to do in Phil...what do you guys suggests?
    Maybe a new Jolibee or Mcdonald with different menu would click?

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Would you prefer Indians than Fil giving support on English language?
    I don't have anything against Indian, but I am quite sure that Fil English is much, much better than theirs...
    Maybe to cut the costs of putting up a call center business from nothing, might be a better solution to enter partnership to those who already operates in that area?
    The idea of a call center business is not bad on my opinion, it do need a lot of thinking. Big companies and worldwide banks are already moving their call centers in Phil...there must be another way to interact in the middle of this and also create a job to locals...
    My first approach when I think of business is not making lots of money and to become rich, I think more of the challenge and the tasks that I need to undertake to achieve good results.
    If call centers is not very appetizing as a business to do in Phil...what do you guys suggests?
    Maybe a new Jolibee or Mcdonald with different menu would click?
    As crazy as it sounds when a brit and phill speak on the phone chaos normally reigns don't ask me why exactly.

    Phills speak American (which is derived from English) in general not English and lets be honest most Phills second lanuage would be German if one vote had gone for German as the national lanuage of the US as opposed to English. Its only due to America colonizing phill that the lanuage was forced on the country.
    Indians although some have strong accents or just plain bad lanugage skills sometimes. Generally speak English due to the strong infulence of Britain on the country after colonizing it for a couples of hundred years.

    Again unless you have a lot of capital I would go in to the support industries around the call centres then you can get business from all of them or just one if they all slowly get merged and incorparated one way and another. Lets be honest one of the big families will get involved and bully every other company out of the game. Im surprised PLDT have not done so already..

    Please don't think a call centre can't be done its just pointing out what i would see as the sticking points. In fact with many Filipinas and Brits on this board looking to move to Phill you may find many would be happy for some pocket money to help with training call workers, even possibly working in the call centres. What beats speaking to native English speakers or at least those who have immersed themsleves in the lanugage and culture for several years.

    Regarding the food takeway with a twist

    English takeaway adjusted for the phill pallet would do well im sure of it.

    Make a Phill version of the Brit Fried breakfast, roast dinners, steak and kidney pie, and of course fish n chips.
    Also my Wife and her phill friends love decent Kebabs among many foods from cultures they don't normally see but i don't think they are popular at all in phill

    But food which could be carried and eaten in a pitta with lots of sauces with a phill twist would go down well imo.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    peanutz, i don't have a problem with what my wife says, i can undestand 99% of what she says first time, my stepson and the rest of her family , like andy says they might as well be speaking german

    most of the time when you call i a call centre, you call becuse you've a problem with their service, so the customer calling is already , and then to be put thru to someone who you cannot understand ... off customer, poor customer service, one less customer..

    many companies are using uk only call centres as i've already said, its a fact, becuase they were losing customers..

    and as for south afircans i saw in the call centres their, they spoke english really well, but people still put the phone down..

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