Anyway there I am under the big top at the circus, the place is crowded, in the centre of the audience is the performing area with a huge 12' metal fence surrounding it. Inside that are this huge crocodile and a table only.

The trainer enters the pit to the applause of the audience; all he has with him is this big stick. he walks over to the table and speaks to the croc, " Henry get on the table" the audience looks on as the croc does exactly that, he then says " Henry open your jaws" the crocs vicious jaws sloooowly open wide, at that the trainer then drops his trousers and puts his p**** in the crocs mouth..... the audience gasps !!!!!!!

He then, still with it in the crocs jaws, hits it over the head with the big stick... the croc doesn't flinch and the audience applaud wildly. He steps back, zips up his trousers and proudly turns to the audience and says " is there any volunteers here that has the courage and bravery to try to do that...... at that point a little old lady of 75 stands up and says " I'll do it, as long as you promise not to hit me on the head with that big stick " !!!!!