As my "how much money would you need to live in the Phils" post ended up quite long, it revealed that many of us have that plan one way or another.
I think we proved that you could move out there and live of investments and have a reasonably comfortable life. However, if you still want to return to the UK now and then or even travel to other places, you either need a lot of savings or a higher regular income.
For example, if you're living well on £300-£500 per month in the Phils then somehow you've got to find £2000+ for just a short holiday somewhere for 2 people, and if you've got kids then you need even more.

I like the idea in the short term of winter in the Phils and spring & summer in the UK. That's OK if you're self employed and can keep a base in the UK and can guarantee finding work while you're here.
I have met a guy who does exactly that and he also works while in the Phils.

The only way I could do this is to overpay my mortgage by £250 for 8 months, plus putting away about £500 for Council tax and other bills. Then I've still got to save enough money for the flights and living costs while I'm away.
All sound rather hard to do. It's probably OK if you've got some business that runs itself while you're gone and keeps paying you. I know a German in Leyte who does precisely that.

Many of us want to retire to the Phils and that is far easier. Getting our state pensions plus income from investments will make for a very comfortable life but who wants to wait that long?

Also there is the "grass grows greener on the other side" problem. When we're in the UK moaning about the weather and our monstrous fuel and Council tax bills, the thought of sun, sand and cheap San Mig is very alluring.
But when you're out there don't you miss a well stocked Tesco, B&Q, decent roads and of course, your friends and family?