hello again

i posted a thread a few weeks back. I got loads of advice from this site. i did follow some of them:

1. signed up on the sites my boyfriend is a member.
2. asked him if he still visits dating sites, and chat with other girls.

okay, in number 1, i sent him a message to his ad profile - he didnt respond to me. that is good, right? or maybe he wasnt interested in my profile.

in number 2, i asked him if he still visits sites and chats with other ladies - he answered NO.

i dont believe him ecause i saw his SENT items - he got ongoing correspondence with soem pinays. he postponed his visit next month. but in one of the emails, he has given details of his flights to a pinay. he is coming here to meet her.

from what i have discovered - i decided to end my relationship with him. i cannot be with someone who is a LIAR and a CHEATER. i have been told that British men are the best persons to be with. Unfortunately i have been unlucky with my man. He was a bad apple...

i loved him but i know i will be able to move on. Maybe one day, i will have a good man in my life.

thank you again for your previous advice. you helped me a lot.