Hi people here, I just wanna say thank you for this site cos it helps me a lot. I was reading here before I applied for my visa and I got it approved today.
I think Im one of those lucky applicants for the visit visa that got approved without interview and I was really feeling negative before as I read a lot that it is very rare to approve a visit visa to someone who dosnt have work and property or big money to show but I still tried and I made it.
I just provide more documents from my boyfriend and my passport. I lodge my application last March 11 and I got it today without interview a visit visa for 6months.. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee..... Thanks guys this site is really a big help.
Now how can I get a cheap flights going to Birmingham I planned to stay there for 6months.. Hope guys you can give me some tips... And also what I need to bring with me aside from myself and my clothes? I might forgot something I am soo excited to be with my boyfriend and meet his family and see UK.