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Thread: Irish Family Permit!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Irish Family Permit!!

    For anyone who is living in Northern Ireland and planning to get married to a Filipino a suggest you look into bringing her/him here using an Irish Family Permit which is much simplier but you need to get an Irish passport.

    Let me know if anyone needs more info!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    For anyone who is living in Northern Ireland and planning to get married to a Filipino a suggest you look into bringing her/him here using an Irish Family Permit which is much simplier but you need to get an Irish passport.

    Let me know if anyone needs more info!!
    Interesting John.
    It's been tricky enough finding out the procedure to go through to acquire a UK fiance visa. Finding info on the procedure for acquiring an Irish Family Permit is proving trickier.
    There appears to be certain benefits (according to a person on another forum) for going the family permit route such as -
    EEA family permit is a "right " under EU Law, unlike a UK visa application which is often easily rejected.
    EEA family permit is completely free.
    EEA family permit is nothing like as strict as a UK Spouse visa, and it is issued quickly without the exhaustive evidence that a UK Spouse visa application requires.
    A UK spouse visa would not allow benefits including GP/Housing/Income support etc. for at least 2 years: whereas an EEA family permit allows your wife to work full time immediately or claim benefits in the unlikely event that one or both of you fall ill or hit bad times.
    - I am trying (labouring!)to find a site which would give me a "step by step".
    Thanks for the advice. looks interesting.

  3. #3
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    Wish i had gone that route, but i'm too far down the line now.

    Applying for it (UK Spouse Visa) in a few days time


  4. #4
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    EEA family permit is a "right " under EU Law, unlike a UK visa application which is often easily rejected.
    EAA family permit is valid for a EU national married to a foreigner (non EU citizenship) already residing in a EU country. Meaning this person have a residency card in a EU country (outside UK).

    So it do not mean you didn't go thru a Fiance or Spouse visa, this process was followed in the residency country. A Filipina needs a visa in all E.U. countries ...

    So I don't see how it can ease the process in UK...

    Getting a Spouse or Fiance visa in a country where you are not citizen is more complicate and really not easy. Don't dream!
    Best regards.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    After going through the uk route like most i forund out about the Irish family permit and told my friend about it who was about to marry a filipino and he decided to go down that route and found it quite easy.

    Some differences;

    Rhea - visa extension = £595 Mary Ann(his wife) = Nothing

    Rhea - ILR = £750 Mary Ann = Nothing

    Rhea = cannot get public funds, Mary Ann = Can get funds

    Also his wife got a 5 year visa. In my experience if you are from any part of Ireland it is the way to go!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    For anyone who is living in Northern Ireland and planning to get married to a Filipino a suggest you look into bringing her/him here using an Irish Family Permit which is much simplier but you need to get an Irish passport.

    Let me know if anyone needs more info!!
    Hi John.
    I am heart scared of marrying her, then her coming to Ireland for the 1st time, getting weather and culture shocked, and then doing a runner!
    With fiance visa she has an option of seeing this place for herself before taking the plunge.
    I will however try and find some more info on the Family Permit as you have suggested.

    A_Flyer - we live in a bizarre situation in Northern Ireland that we can hold 2 passports - UK one and an Irish one. (I suppose it keeps everyone happy, as we have had the odd spot of bother here!).

  7. #7
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    A_Flyer - we live in a bizarre situation in Northern Ireland that we can hold 2 passports - UK one and an Irish one. (I suppose it keeps everyone happy, as we have had the odd spot of bother here!).
    I don't want to be negative but as you have to request this EEA family permit to UK administration, they will surely discover you're holding also a UK citizenship and passport (so you may be denied). EEA Family Permit is only for citizen from an EU country living in another EU country.

    Other disadvantage (apart the fees) for the EAA family permit is it's valid for 6 months period and have to be renewed every 6 months.

    And last point, it will allow your partner to stay in North Ireland (and travel in all UK) but not to the rest of Ireland. For this a Visa from Ireland will be required.
    Best regards.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post
    I don't want to be negative but as you have to request this EEA family permit to UK administration, they will surely discover you're holding also a UK citizenship and passport (so you may be denied). EEA Family Permit is only for citizen from an EU country living in another EU country.

    Other disadvantage (apart the fees) for the EAA family permit is it's valid for 6 months period and have to be renewed every 6 months.

    And last point, it will allow your partner to stay in North Ireland (and travel in all UK) but not to the rest of Ireland. For this a Visa from Ireland will be required.
    ""I don't want to be negative but as you have to request this EEA family permit to UK administration""
    Where did you find this information? I have been struggling to find any info on the net. if you can advise, I would really appreciate it.

  9. #9
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    You have a good sum-up in Wikipedia:

    Just remember that you should be married first to request one (and not be a UK citizen but a E.U country citizen) and the marriage previouly validated at the Embassy of your citizenship in the country where the marriage was done (so that it's recorded in your citizenship country database).
    Best regards.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    5 years is along time to wait for permenant residency, rules could change.

    and wether this is legal, have you checked with IND ? if it is Illegal, then obtaining a visa by fraud you face a very long ban for the uk , Ignorance of the law is not a defence..

    i was thinking of doing it myself, getting a lithuanian passport, but thought it might look dodgy

    but wish you well, better you having the money than the gov

  11. #11
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I am not aware of any laws being broken by going this way as my friend got it after speaking with me then seeking help & advice from a lawyer here.

    I do not know everything about it just what i have seen with my friend who has found no problems so far!!

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i know if your a british citizen then a family permit doesn't usually apply to you, and i would have thought the gov would not be , as it would be losing out on a wad of

  13. #13
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i know if your a british citizen then a family permit doesn't usually apply to you, and i would have thought the gov would not be , as it would be losing out on a wad of
    As was said before when living in N.Ireland you can have both an Irish & British passport which my friend does. He only had a British one i think and then when i told him about this option he got an Irish one and seemed to have no problems,

    But i agree with an earlier post if you have to wait 5 years before applying for an ILR because your visa is a 5 year one it seems a long time to wait.

  14. #14
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    Hi guys.
    I haven't been posting lately because I am in London until the 6th of april for work, and only managed now to get to a cafe, as my laptop is on the blink at home.

    As an EEA National living and working in the Uk I have taken advantage of the EEA Family permit for my wife.
    It is a heck of a lot easier to obtain as it would be illegal to deny it ...

    On the whole it didn't cost a penny, apart from Jet having to go to Manila for the Finger printing and digital photo.
    We waited 6/7 weeks for it to arrive, but it got there in the end.
    So if any Irish have the "Right" to a Republic Passport, I strongly recommend to use that route.
    I posted enough links on the subject in the past.

    Ok I have to get going now.
    868 posts to read........

    Good luck, I will pester everyone in a few days time again.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    good to see you've only got 867 posts to go dom.

    i thought about trying to do this myself, born in the uk, parents are from lithuania, and i thought of getting a lithuanian passport, and trying that, but seeing i've never been to lithuania, and how can you excerise your treaty rights in the country your born in . i was sure the gov wouldn't allow it. as i said before it states in the info, family permit doesn't normally apply to british citizens.. so i went with the spouse visa

    but if people have done it, good for them, but will you have problems in 5years , hope not.

  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    As Dom wrote it worked for him.

    Its a good idea but before getting carried away with the money you save it may affect the time it takes to get british Residency and alsorts.

    Ie if your Planning to stay a few years in UK and move to Phill or elsewhere you may need to reapply for a Visa of some sort to move back to the UK.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post
    You have a good sum-up in Wikipedia:

    Just remember that you should be married first to request one (and not be a UK citizen but a E.U country citizen) and the marriage previouly validated at the Embassy of your citizenship in the country where the marriage was done (so that it's recorded in your citizenship country database).
    I think I sussed out a little more by Googling "EEA Family Permit".
    Unless I'm mistaken :
    Get Irish passport
    Get married in Philippines (if she'll have me) after registering it with the Irish Embassy there,
    Wife applies for Family permit using VAF5 to the British Embassy as I am an Irish (EU/EEA) Citizen living in the UK.
    Sounds like an option unless I have missed something..?????
    Though I may opt for the fiance visa as it will be cheaper than having to go to the PP's again to get married after my next imminent trip.
    If the fiance visa application fails then i think maybe a Family Permit could be plan B.
    - open to suggestions folks,


  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    advice, i would phone IND a couple of times, and ask about you having a british and irish passport if your going to try the family permit, becuase if i was you, i would want to be 100% sure that there was going to be no problems later on, just to save some money..

    but thinking about it, it doesn't say anythng about it in the immigration rules i looked at, so its probably ok, a loop hole maybe the gov will close oneday ??

  19. #19
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Getting married in the Philippines( if you were going to have plenty of guests) is much cheaper than in the UK.

    We had 200 guests at about £2.50 per head for the main meal!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good to see you've only got 867 posts to go dom.

    but if people have done it, good for them, but will you have problems in 5years , hope not.
    Just got home............... Found another 469 posts.....
    I am definitively going to bed........

    Irish passport and getting married overthere are the easiest, cheapest and best alternatives.

  21. #21
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    I think I sussed out a little more by Googling "EEA Family Permit".
    Unless I'm mistaken :
    Get Irish passport
    Get married in Philippines (if she'll have me) after registering it with the Irish Embassy there,
    Wife applies for Family permit using VAF5 to the British Embassy as I am an Irish (EU/EEA) Citizen living in the UK.
    Sounds like an option unless I have missed something..?????
    Though I may opt for the fiance visa as it will be cheaper than having to go to the PP's again to get married after my next imminent trip.
    If the fiance visa application fails then i think maybe a Family Permit could be plan B.
    - open to suggestions folks,


    Like others say what you save on the Visa you may end up in costs for the wedding and remeber in most cases about half the family will have no chance to actually witness the Wedding.

    A trip to Phill may put you out but for most ladies the wedding is the biggest day of there lives and us blokes should take the back seats imho.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    ""I don't want to be negative but as you have to request this EEA family permit to UK administration""
    Where did you find this information? I have been struggling to find any info on the net. if you can advise, I would really appreciate it.
    If you intend to use the Family permit route, the correct form to use is the VAF1

    As Indicated in an earlier post, the chances of a family permit of being refused are virtually nil.
    The only reasons for an outright refusal would be if you enter false details or the wife has some sort of criminal record.
    The first visa will be valid for 6 months, and you can apply for a 5 year residence card at any time within the 6 months.
    All is free of charge for genuine bona fide EEA nationals and their spouses.
    From the moment she lands she will be entitled to take up employment and all it entails.
    We done it, waited about 6/7 weeks.
    Jet has been here since last September, and has been working for the last couple of months.
    Good luck

  23. #23
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    If you intend to use the Family permit route, the correct form to use is the VAF1

    As Indicated in an earlier post, the chances of a family permit of being refused are virtually nil.
    The only reasons for an outright refusal would be if you enter false details or the wife has some sort of criminal record.
    The first visa will be valid for 6 months, and you can apply for a 5 year residence card at any time within the 6 months.
    All is free of charge for genuine bona fide EEA nationals and their spouses.
    From the moment she lands she will be entitled to take up employment and all it entails.
    We done it, waited about 6/7 weeks.
    Jet has been here since last September, and has been working for the last couple of months.
    Good luck

    After the 5 years up can you apply for a ILR or british citzenship?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    After the 5 years up can you apply for a ILR or british citzenship?
    Theorethically and practically you would be entitled to apply for both..... Free of charge for the ILR, not sure about the citizenship.
    But we thought that if Jet ever decides to get a new citizenship it will be dual with Italian.... Would save a lot of hassle in future....

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    If you intend to use the Family permit route, the correct form to use is the VAF1

    As Indicated in an earlier post, the chances of a family permit of being refused are virtually nil.
    The only reasons for an outright refusal would be if you enter false details or the wife has some sort of criminal record.
    The first visa will be valid for 6 months, and you can apply for a 5 year residence card at any time within the 6 months.
    All is free of charge for genuine bona fide EEA nationals and their spouses.
    From the moment she lands she will be entitled to take up employment and all it entails.
    We done it, waited about 6/7 weeks.
    Jet has been here since last September, and has been working for the last couple of months.
    Good luck
    I am a little baffled (which isn't difficult).
    Would you happen to know when one would use the VAF5 application form for an EEA Family Permit?
    ps - My Partner is also called Jet!!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    I am a little baffled (which isn't difficult).
    Would you happen to know when one would use the VAF5 application form for an EEA Family Permit?
    ps - My Partner is also called Jet!!!
    If you followed the link I posted, you would have noticed that the right form for a Family Permit is "VAF1"....

    I am curious to know where you got that VAF5 info from, because is kind of misguided to say the least.

    Oh, well, we have a couple of things in common.... Family permits and wifes names.....

    Good luck.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    If you followed the link I posted, you would have noticed that the right form for a Family Permit is "VAF1"....

    I am curious to know where you got that VAF5 info from, because is kind of misguided to say the least.

    Oh, well, we have a couple of things in common.... Family permits and wifes names.....

    Good luck.
    I just googled VAF1 and it brought me here -

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    I just googled VAF1 and it brought me here -
    My apologies mate, they changed things around while I was catnapping.

    VAF1 is what we used for Jet.

    Having looked at the VAF5, it seems that they moved the goalposts by a few feet either side.
    The date in the top right hand corner says it all, Jet was here by then, so I never checked again as it was mission accomplished.
    I did not mean to give you the wrong advice.

    So what was the question again....?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    My apologies mate, they changed things around while I was catnapping.

    VAF1 is what we used for Jet.

    Having looked at the VAF5, it seems that they moved the goalposts by a few feet either side.
    The date in the top right hand corner says it all, Jet was here by then, so I never checked again as it was mission accomplished.
    I did not mean to give you the wrong advice.

    So what was the question again....?
    no questions outstanding!
    no probs apart from 7 or 8 thousand miles....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    no questions outstanding!
    no probs apart from 7 or 8 thousand miles....
    A piece of cake if you are determined enough and ready to put up with tampo, rice 24/7, squid, chicken or fish heads and the rest of weird and wonderful exotic tastes that will eventually terminally titillate your palate....

    Run out of port...........

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