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Thread: child credit info:

  1. #1
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    child credit info:

    Hello everyone!

    Just wanna ask if the child tax credit that my husband's claiming now would be
    be stop, if i go start working?...coz we will be moving out soon...or any effect on it somehow?
    Filipina a born survivor!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I phoned the Tax Credit people and asked them if my wife started working would it be worth while and it turned out that they would have taken about £100 of us which did not make it worth while after all.

    Are you getting working tax credit also?

  3. #3
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    To Eljohno....not me, its my husband claiming,but he got a friend that say's that it would stay even if you couple are both working...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  4. #4
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Eljean, your husband MUST tell the HMRC that you will start working because the child tax benefit he is claiming is based on your household income. You MUST tell the HMRC every circumstances changed in your household so you can receive the right amount your husband is entitled because if you don't do this he will ended up overpaying of the benefit he wasn't entitled.

    I'm sure they won't stop the benefit because child under 1 year old has a higher benefit entitlement compare to a child who is above 1 year old.

    Contact the HMRC as soon as possible.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eljohno View Post
    I phoned the Tax Credit people and asked them if my wife started working would it be worth while and it turned out that they would have taken about £100 of us which did not make it worth while after all.

    Are you getting working tax credit also?
    Quote Originally Posted by eljean View Post
    To Eljohno....not me, its my husband claiming,but he got a friend that say's that it would stay even if you couple are both working...
    You can't really tell how much you are entitled for Working Tax Credit because they will based the benefit on your household income, the higher is your earnings and savings is the lower your benefityou will receive.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    i told my husband to phone them up to make sure well, he just suggested to ask in the furom first... he just wanted to hear other experiences he doesn't claim working tax's zero on the benefit form...i want to go find job to help earn some money so life would be a bit better and not to skint for us...but anyway's my husband just want to make sure that he's not gonna overclaim as he 's scared of it my have effect on my future application for ilr....

    thank's for the replies ladyj and eljohno
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    As well as the amount of credit and how muc you make or lose. Is it also worth about the long term benefits, if you don't work you will be stuck at home which costs more money normally (heat, leccy and food) at least in my experience.
    Yes your make more money short term not working but will the experience gained and possibly skills and qualfications lead to a better life longterm?

    Just a thought not particularly for eljean but just i have seen examples where woman have been out of touch with the job market so long they and their partners end up regretting it

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you need to tell them if your working or changes in your hours, but I think it shouldn't effect what you get now, as the figures they use are based on the previous years earnings.

    but you will get less, the more you earn the less you get in tax creds

    i've no idea how they work it out, but what i get goes down each year, even thou every cost more

    depends on what your hubby earns and what you would earn, but if you've got to pay for childcare and you're earning too much for the child care element of tax creds, see if they have a childcare voucher scheme at your hubbies work, that could save you a bit and where you work

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you need to tell them if your working or changes in your hours, but I think it shouldn't effect what you get now, as the figures they use are based on the previous years earnings.

    but you will get less, the more you earn the less you get in tax creds

    i've no idea how they work it out, but what i get goes down each year, even thou every cost more

    depends on what your hubby earns and what you would earn, but if you've got to pay for childcare and you're earning too much for the child care element of tax creds, see if they have a childcare voucher scheme at your hubbies work, that could save you a bit and where you work

    Our company run that scheme, you get so much tax off to spend via vouchers i know it helped a few of my work mates out. I know our company had to be nudged into action. (one guy had to sent an all users email to drum up intrest as i think most companies want a few to use the scheme)

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well your employer deducts the money from your wage b4 tax and national insurance, so no tax on it, and you can cliam upto £55 a week for each employed parent , if your a higher rate tax payer you can save a lot more, something like £2k a year me thinks

    not good for everyone thou, if your getting tax creds, you have to tell the gov, and you could be worse off, so you have to do some sums

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