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Thread: Testimony of the late Rio Diaz-Cojuanco!

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    Testimony of the late Rio Diaz-Cojuanco!

    friends . . . it's worth reading for ...

    Sad and touching, but real.

    RIO DIAZ's Testimony (Aug 17,2003)

    Six months ago, my family was preparing for my funeral, but I stand here before you today by God's grace because He still has a purpose for my life.

    Let me share with you my story..

    In April, l99l, I began to host Eat Bulaga!, a noontime show that brought me fame beyond my wildest dreams. I earned good money while I made
    people laugh. What a blessing!

    October of l993, I met Charlie. Single and good-looking, this guy has a terrific sense of humor, a man with a big heart. "Kung sa beauty contestant,
    beauty and brains." At a certain point in our relationship, we both knew God brought us to be together...for life.

    In August, l994, we were married. After four wonderful years of marriage, God blessed us with two children, Claudia and Jaime. Thirteen years earlier, I was blessed with a son, Ali, from a previous relationship.

    May of l998, Charlie became Congressman and I became Vice Mayor of Pontevedra ( Negros Occidental). November of the same year, during a routine check-up, they discovered some abnormalities in my stomach area which, the doctors said, could be solved by a minor procedure.

    A few days later, my supposedly one-hour surgery turned out to be a six-hour-and- a-half surgery. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer..


    No one had cancer in the family. My life flashed before me. My world suddenly caved in. The doctors were quite frank. They told

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    us that I had only a couple of months to live. Stage 4 cancer is like a death sentence.

    As my doctor was speaking, I didn't understand a word he said because all I could think of was Charlie, my children, my family, my in-laws, would whisper, Lord, help them, Lord!

    They're all suffering. I don't know how to comfort them. The day before my first chemotherapy, I said, Lord, just tell me you're in control. Tell me that no one made a mistake and I'll be fine no matter what, Lord. Somebody gave me a devotional book entitled Streams in the Desert which I read
    at 3 o'clock in the morning. It said, this is my doing.

    Your weakness needs my strength and your safety lies in letting me fight for you. You did not come to this place by accident. You are exactly where I meant you to be. You were so busy that I could not get your attention and I wanted to teach you some of my greatest truths. The pain will leave you as soon as you learn to see me; in all things. These words became the pillow on which I rested my weary head.

    I surrendered to God all my fears, all my burdens and my family as I began my journey of trials. I focused on His promises as Jesus said, Surely I am
    with you always.

    By God's gracious mercy and beyond all medical explanation, after six months of chemotherapy went on remission. Eight months later, the cancer was back. More surgery, more chemo. And then again, God allowed healing for me. The best lesson I am learning from this is how God allows us to enjoy life with His moment by moment of grace. My third bout with cancer entailed three different chemotherapies infused at the same time. The Lord allowed me to learn to NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP...PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD.

    Three times, I was at the threshold of death. Medicines and state-of-the- art treatments were notworking anymore. Not all the money in the world nor
    the best doctors on earth can make us live if God doesn't want us to. During those times, God comforted my heart with these verses: Why are you downcast o my soul? Why so disturbed within me?

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    Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him my Savior and my Lord.

    But let me tell you about my latest brush with death. After spending Christmas with my family here in Manila , I left for San Francisco in January of 2003 for my check-up. I knew there was something terribly wrong with my body. I had sleepless nights; I was steadily losing weight; I couldn't eat

    By the time I had completed all my tests, I was only 96 pounds. My doctor said, the cancer has spread. You need to be confined in the hospital. Your food passage is completely blocked by the cancer. I don't know how much time you have. Not much. Maybe a month. But I promise you will not feel the pain.I hugged Dr. Fisher and thanked him. I told him, don't be sad.. I
    know God is in full control of my life.

    I went home that night to make some arrangements and my daughter was fast asleep. I knelt down by her bedside and I cried, Mama loves you so much that it hurts. Lord, you know how much I love my Ali, my Claudia and my Jaime. You gave them to Charlie and me and I thank you. I know in my heart that Charlie will love them and watch over them. Lord, take care of my husband because I love him very much. But much more than this, it comforts me to know that I could never love them as much as you love them. I thank you, Father God.

    Charlie remained by my bedside day and night, caressing me, talking to me. It pains me to think how much our husbands or wives suffer the fear of
    losing us.How blessed I am to know how much my family and friends love me.

    The Lord allowed me to experience deep, deep, sleep.
    I have never ever felt that kind of peace, peace that
    surpasses all understanding. Dr. Fisher explained to
    Charlie that my nourishment would come from a bag of
    liquid attached to me, which has to be administered
    on a daily basis for life. I would never be able to eat
    or drink again.

    Surgery was ruled out, so was radiation. As a last

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    recourse, it was suggested that I do the mildest
    chemo but if I so much as cough, he would remove it
    and just keep me comfortable. I was in awe when I was
    told how many people were praying for me. By God's
    sovereign mercy, I never coughed.. One month later, my
    cancer level went down by half. I am now only a few
    points away from being on remission.

    And as if this weren't enough, God's incredible bonus
    is that I am back to my full d iet. I can eat and drink
    anything now! Once again, the doctors were amazed.
    Yes, isn't our God amazing? God spared my life when
    Stanford doctors had given up on me.

    In my heart, I knew why. God allowed this miracle in
    my life to show us how gracious He is and what a
    powerful weapon prayer can be. And that God can
    perform miracles in our lives, if you let Him. I will
    never fully understand God's ways but I do know that
    God has a purpose for each of us. When God calls you
    to live for Him, He will invite you to be a part of
    something much bigger than yourself, something that
    requires the very best of you, something that
    may outlive you. When God calls us to a powerful
    vision, it may transcend safety and it may transcend
    common sense because it is all about Jesus Christ.
    Without Jesus, we will not make it!

    Do we know, do you know, what God wants you to do withyour life? If you are uncertain of God's will for
    your life, surrender all your plans to Jesus because
    God's plans for us are perfect.

    The cancer in my body, I did not choose. But in God's
    sovereignty, He allowed this affliction in my life.
    But I ask you, what is the cancer in your life?

    Is it the cancer of unforgiveness, jealousy, lust,
    anger or bitterness that you are holding on to?
    What are the wrong choices you continue to make
    because they give you temporary pleasure but can
    permanently destroy you -your husband or your wife or
    your children or your circle of influence?

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    If you are going through a time of terrifying
    darkness and despair, or are plagued by doubts that
    are slowly eroding your hope that things can get
    better, I urge you to surrender it all to God;
    give Him full control of your life. It is the only
    way to live.

    sorry Keith it's too long and too all of you here

  6. #6
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    thanks for sharing your lovely story.
    I am often confused though....
    wonderful stories like yours and then on the other side of the coin I ask where was he when the children of Belsam in Russia were massacred? Im not asking you to answer, as this thread could go on for our lifetime!
    Maybe it has a meaning that we should never take anything for granted and be thankful for what we have when we whinge about silly things like the weather.
    - I wouldn't like to be a parent of a slaughtered child though..hope God is helping them through their unfair and uncalled for suffering.
    I am glad that you are mending and wish you and your family all the best!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    thanks for sharing your lovely story.
    I am often confused though....
    wonderful stories like yours and then on the other side of the coin I ask where was he when the children of Belsam in Russia were massacred? Im not asking you to answer, as this thread could go on for our lifetime!
    Maybe it has a meaning that we should never take anything for granted and be thankful for what we have when we whinge about silly things like the weather.
    - I wouldn't like to be a parent of a slaughtered child though..hope God is helping them through their unfair and uncalled for suffering.
    I am glad that you are mending and wish you and your family all the best!!
    thanks for your reply but anyway this is not my story it's a story of the late Rio Diaz a sister of Gloria Diaz i just posted it as it's very interesting and a true to life story.

    from what i know massacer,boming, war,killing each others it's a man made and we should not blame God for that.

  8. #8
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    his that the same family who own san miguel?

  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for posting it sis elsa, i do like Rio Diaz when she was hosting Eat Bulaga..

    May she rest in peace..

  10. #10
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing sis..It's nice to know her story and how God influence her life so much

    In return I wanna share Joel Osteen one of his daily words...

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

    Words from Joel and Victoria

    What are you hoping for in your life today? The Bible says that faith gives substance to the things you hope for. Notice this verse starts by saying, “Now faith…” It’s not “later” faith or “one day” faith. We have to believe that God is working behind the scenes right now. Faith is simply believing that God is a good and faithful God—that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Can you believe that God wants to move in your life, today? Do you believe He can provide for you need, today? Do you believe He can heal your relationships, today? Do you believe He can give you that promotion, today? Whatever you are hoping for, open your heart and expect that God is working on your behalf. Stand strong and declare that victory is already yours. As you face each day with faith and expectancy, you’ll increase in strength and see God’s hand in every area of your life!

    A Prayer
    Father in heaven, today I choose to believe that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are leading and guiding my every step. Help me stand strong in You, today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    inspiring story
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

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