Hi i joined your forum only yesteday i tried to post a thread lastnight but i dont think got it quite right i dont think it got posted, anyway my fiancee and i have know each other for obout 18 months now and finallly she has been allowed a visa to enter australia with our daughter who is 8, when i first met her she didnt tell me in her profile that she did have a child i suppose she thought paople would overlook her and i know she was very nervous when she did tell me after about 2 days , when she told me i think she thought that i would say goodbye but i thought about it for a while and realized that any woman that i would neet here in australia was bound to have children and certainly not as studious or well behaved and anyway you cant have one without the other , we talked for about 5 months and organized for me to stay for a week in davoa city as she lives in tagum very nervous man got off the plane at davoa international went through customs and out of the terminal to an empty carpark oh ohh only taxi drivers and porters hasseling me then from under a shade area came the girl i had fallen in love with wow was i a happyman we stayed at the marco polo cost a packet and i didnt even eat there anyway did the usual things shopping for souvenier ect but when i tried to buy her something she said no and i basically had to force her to take it , i tried to explain to her that in my country a man often buys his girl gifts to impress her and to show his affection for her i think she understood anyway i had to meet her aunty as her parents are dead to ask permission to marry as her brothers wee up north to far to go and to dangerous as well for me anyway so i got told , i did the respectfull thing with the hand against the forhead and i think aunty was a bit embarresed i just didnt want to stuff it up anyway she gave us her blessings and throughout the time i met cousins and other relatives of her family , on the second to last night i proposed to her at the jade garden resteraunt but i had to work out somhow to give her the ring so as we finished the main meal i ordered desert and of course being polite she didnt soi said i had to go to the mens room but instead i raced out to the staff and asked if they could give it to her when i received my desert i dont think she could beleive her eyes when a plate came to her with a diamond ring on it then it was back to tradition and on the knee i asked her to become my wife that was in febuary 2007 i have been back since and spent a month together but it still wasnt nice to say goodbye the first time was awfulll ,second wasnt much better but now finally after all this time she will be here on may 11 we have waited so long and done so many things to get her here i cnat beleive it is over and she is coming i know that i will have trouble controlling my emotions when i see her again i will be at the airport hours before her palne lands i know it , finnaly my girl will be here , we plan to marry but i am not sure when as i want it to be a nice day and we are coming into winter now we did have it all palned and then had to cancel due to medical problems , i just hope i can be a good husband for her and father for our daughter i enjoy reading the posts and i am sure i will continue to put new threads out thanks for listening
i am a happyman