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  1. #1
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    I have a kind of related question - Do they actually stamp the (fil) passport when travelling around europe?
    The passport will be stamped when you will pass immigration when entering Schengen area (Schengen port of Entry) and when you will exit Schengen area. Flights from one Schengen state to another are domestic flights, so there's no immigration control. There's no immigration control at frontiers of 2 Schengen states if travelling by car (but there may be unscheduled custom controls on the roads around the frontiers, this imply control of the travelling documents).

    For Eurostar you have a commun immigration control at the last station before passing a frontier (I.E. French/English immigration in UK).

    For ferries crossing the channel I don't know.
    Best regards.

  2. #2
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    We are planning to have our 2nd honeymoon in Prague or Paris when I get there. Just a question, is it better to apply and get the Schengen visa here in the Philippines after my UK visa has been approved or should I just apply it there in the UK?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    We are planning to have our 2nd honeymoon in Prague or Paris when I get there. Just a question, is it better to apply and get the Schengen visa here in the Philippines after my UK visa has been approved or should I just apply it there in the UK?
    It is much easier to apply for a Schengen visa as the spouse of a British citizen, but to do this you would normally need your husband's passport which I suspect you haven't got. Couldn't tell you whether the embassies would accept a certified copy or not.

    The other thing is you should apply for the Schengen visa at the embassy of the country you enter or stay in first. So you need to decide where you are going so you know whether to apply at the Czech or the French embassy.

  4. #4
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    thanks walesrob!! =)

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I think the UK is the best place to apply but if i am wrong someone will let you know!!

  6. #6
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    Shengen Visa

    [aquote=ginapeterb;5318]The Procedure for obtaining a Schengen Visa for your Filipino Spouse.

    I thought I would cover this, as I know Rob and Elsa are going for a Schengen visa, and also, Gina and I are currently getting one.

    Why is it required and what is the procedure ?

    Firstly, the Schengen States, signed an agreement on cross border cooperation so that EEC And certain Non EEC nationals may travel unhindered throughout all the member states without requiring any form of immigration control.

    Sadly, the United Kingdom is not a signatory to the Schengen agreement (Schengen is a town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed).

    That means that Whilst EEC Passport holders may go to any Schengen state without let or hindrance, it does not allow anyone holding a Filipino passport to do this, without a schengen visa.

    Once having obtained one, the Filipina spouse can enter via the main schengen destination and then travel across any other country.

    This does not apply to FIANCEE's of EEC Passport holders, so Filipina's holding fiancee visa's must wait until they have married and have a marriage certificate, then they may apply.

    As we are at the French Consulate de General in London, I will give out the procedure for this Schengen member state.

    Applicants must log on to the Consulate de General de Republique du France (details on Google), then telephone the appointment booking line, the joke about this, is that calls cost £1.00 per minute, and you are on the phone for at least 8 to 10 minutes booking an appointment as it is all automated.

    It took us 3 weeks to secure a spot on a group appointment, the Consulate de General is at:

    6a Cromwell Place,
    London SW7

    Nearest Tube is South Kensington on the Circle Line, the consulate de General is opposite the Natural History Museum on the Cromwell road.


    1 The Appointment Letter the applicant was sent, giving last 4 digits of passport.
    2 2 Passport size photographs.
    3 Filipino passport, showing UK immigration status, and must be valid for more than 6 months.
    4 NSO Marriage Certificate or UK Marriage Certificate.
    5 EEC Passport of British Spouse.
    6 Bank Statement showing adequate funds to support pasport holder in France.
    7 Adqequate travel insurance with Medical and Medical repatriation provisions.

    Nationals from Philippines should expect to wait up to 6 weeks for the visa to be approved, and attendance at the French Consulate de General is mandatory in London, regardless of where the applicant lives in UK.

    This involves a day out in London at least, and the queue starts at 1.30pm for the 2pm group admittance, those without documents or as requested will be turned away, anyone showing up without an appointment letter will also be turned away, as I just witnessed about 30 mins ago.

    The Schengen Visa is free to spouses of EEC Nationals, but not for spouses of Non EEC Nationals, i.e. Filipinos on Work visas living in UK, they will have to pay a fee of £26.00.

    Hope this helps anyone, I asked the French Immigration officials about applicants living in other parts of the UK, they said, that applicants can apply by post, but should allow 12-16 weeks for processing and not to book any travel until the Schengen visa was approved and the passport returned.

    Hope this helps.


  7. #7
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mdelg55 View Post
    7 Adqequate travel insurance with Medical and Medical repatriation provisions.


    I asked the French Immigration officials about applicants living in other parts of the UK, they said, that applicants can apply by post, but should allow 12-16 weeks for processing and not to book any travel until the Schengen visa was approved and the passport returned.
    I wonder whether the Travel Insurance is required for postal applications? This would require the applicant to have 'annual cover'.

  8. #8
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mdelg55 View Post
    7 Adqequate travel insurance with Medical and Medical repatriation provisions.


    I asked the French Immigration officials about applicants living in other parts of the UK, they said, that applicants can apply by post, but should allow 12-16 weeks for processing and not to book any travel until the Schengen visa was approved and the passport returned.
    I wonder whether the Medical Insurance is required for postal applications? This would require the applicant to have 'annual cover'.

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    I wonder whether the Medical Insurance is required for postal applications? This would require the applicant to have 'annual cover'.
    unless things ahve changed you dont need insurance if a spouse of a eu technically. But then most people will have Insurance if they travel regularly .

    Although if the non Eu person is not a uk resident normal everyday insurance may not be valid.

    So do enquire

  10. #10
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    Shengen Visa

    I'm very lucky than that I'am of Italian NAtinality as there was not problem of getting the shengen Visa ..I only had to pay for my wifes daughter.Both my wife and her daughter were issue a 3 years shengen visa so we do not have to go all the time to the italian visa section in Victoria opposite the national coach station. mY OTHERS KIDS ARE ALSO ITALIAN NATIONAL SO there is no problems.Now I have to work out how to get documentation translated into italian to get my wife italian nationality and her daughter...

    I apologies to pete in regard of sending his message again on the forum.

    ote=ginapeterb;5318]The Procedure for obtaining a Schengen Visa for your Filipino Spouse.

    I thought I would cover this, as I know Rob and Elsa are going for a Schengen visa, and also, Gina and I are currently getting one.

    Why is it required and what is the procedure ?

    Firstly, the Schengen States, signed an agreement on cross border cooperation so that EEC And certain Non EEC nationals may travel unhindered throughout all the member states without requiring any form of immigration control.

    Sadly, the United Kingdom is not a signatory to the Schengen agreement (Schengen is a town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed).

    That means that Whilst EEC Passport holders may go to any Schengen state without let or hindrance, it does not allow anyone holding a Filipino passport to do this, without a schengen visa.

    Once having obtained one, the Filipina spouse can enter via the main schengen destination and then travel across any other country.

    This does not apply to FIANCEE's of EEC Passport holders, so Filipina's holding fiancee visa's must wait until they have married and have a marriage certificate, then they may apply.

    As we are at the French Consulate de General in London, I will give out the procedure for this Schengen member state.

    Applicants must log on to the Consulate de General de Republique du France (details on Google), then telephone the appointment booking line, the joke about this, is that calls cost £1.00 per minute, and you are on the phone for at least 8 to 10 minutes booking an appointment as it is all automated.

    It took us 3 weeks to secure a spot on a group appointment, the Consulate de General is at:

    6a Cromwell Place,
    London SW7

    Nearest Tube is South Kensington on the Circle Line, the consulate de General is opposite the Natural History Museum on the Cromwell road.


    1 The Appointment Letter the applicant was sent, giving last 4 digits of passport.
    2 2 Passport size photographs.
    3 Filipino passport, showing UK immigration status, and must be valid for more than 6 months.
    4 NSO Marriage Certificate or UK Marriage Certificate.
    5 EEC Passport of British Spouse.
    6 Bank Statement showing adequate funds to support pasport holder in France.
    7 Adqequate travel insurance with Medical and Medical repatriation provisions.

    Nationals from Philippines should expect to wait up to 6 weeks for the visa to be approved, and attendance at the French Consulate de General is mandatory in London, regardless of where the applicant lives in UK.

    This involves a day out in London at least, and the queue starts at 1.30pm for the 2pm group admittance, those without documents or as requested will be turned away, anyone showing up without an appointment letter will also be turned away, as I just witnessed about 30 mins ago.

    The Schengen Visa is free to spouses of EEC Nationals, but not for spouses of Non EEC Nationals, i.e. Filipinos on Work visas living in UK, they will have to pay a fee of £26.00.

    Hope this helps anyone, I asked the French Immigration officials about applicants living in other parts of the UK, they said, that applicants can apply by post, but should allow 12-16 weeks for processing and not to book any travel until the Schengen visa was approved and the passport returned.

    Hope this helps.


  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Question for Pete,
    your guidance note asks for UK marage cert or NSO cert, we married in Hong Kong and our cert was fine for UK spouse visa issued in HK, do you think it will be okay for the French Embassy staff as we never got a NSO cert and do not have a UK cert

    thanks in advance

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  12. #12
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    thanks alot guys its really help us you advice

  13. #13
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    The above info is great thank you all.

    How long does this visa last for??

    IF i get one now, do i have to get one next year?, 2 years 5 years?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    The above info is great thank you all.

    How long does this visa last for??

    IF i get one now, do i have to get one next year?, 2 years 5 years?
    It is up to the embassy that issues the visa to decide how long it will be valid for. Spouses of British citizens usually seem to get 6 months, though some have been lucky and get a year. Not heard of anyone getting longer than that.

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    an aside: Visas for UK of Gibraltar for Schengen resident

    My Pinay wife has a Residencia which permits her stay forever in Spain. I get extra pension being married. The UK Gov pay about £2,000 p.a. for my wife's medical cover in Spain, she has a Nat. Ins, Number in UK. She can travel and live in any Schengen state BUT, a trip to UK or even Gibraltar means making an appointment at the UK consulate in Madrid (700 mile round trip) paying 100 euros for a UK visa application or 150 euros for a days shopping in Gib, a lengthy interview from which I would be excluded and even then she might be refused.

    In six months, my wife will have had residence status in Spain for 2 years, she will then be able to apply for Spanish Nationality and a passport. So after that she will be able to visit my ‘homeland’.

  16. #16
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Why not to apply to an EEA Family Permit for her from UK Embassy? It's free and will allow her to freely enter/exit UK from a Schengen country.
    It's here:
    Best regards.

  17. #17
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    Just wanted to confirm... im about to lodge my visa application in the french embassy in 2 weeks.. it says on their website that the marriage cert needs to be stamped by the Phil Embassy... ive read somewhere that you just need to pay extra if your marriage cert isnt stamped... (just found out this is the case in the italian embassy) this still the case? can i still lodge my application with my marriage cert not being stamped by the Phil Embassy?

  18. #18
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    Just wanted to confirm... im about to lodge my visa application in the french embassy in 2 weeks.. it says on their website that the marriage cert needs to be stamped by the Phil Embassy... ive read somewhere that you just need to pay extra if your marriage cert isnt stamped... (just found out this is the case in the italian embassy) this still the case? can i still lodge my application with my marriage cert not being stamped by the Phil Embassy?

    I dont know the latest i think the local "whichever country" stamping the marriage cert was if the cert was not in English or French (for the french embassy)
    The wife went in problem a few years back as you can see on here (it is hi andy paul in disguise) and we didn't go to the embassy to get anything stamped.

    In the italian embassy they made some fuss in the end they didn't worry and let her off, although another applicant and their partner had a stand up row about it. I belive the fee was about 30 quid (of course it may have changed)
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  19. #19
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    hello andypaul i didnt know you had another nick..
    anyway thank you for your advice...i sure do not remember seeing anyone lodge a stamped marriage certificate to the french embassy...
    thats why i was a bit surprised when i saw that on the french embassy website...

  20. #20
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    (it is hi andy paul in disguise)
    Hello, AndyPaul, I didn't know it was you. I even called you Somebody in one of my post Why are you in disguise?
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Hello, AndyPaul, I didn't know it was you. I even called you Somebody in one of my post Why are you in disguise?
    Because the soft southern jessie has forgotten his password, probably....

  22. #22
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Because the soft southern jessie has forgotten his password, probably....

    I just went to change it and some settings and Mr Boss Admins mail server didn't wanna send me a confirmation email after many attempts and several different emails. I decided to change.

    Not to worried about rep and post counts which was why i changed my name when things got out of hand a year or so ago.

    So any news on the schgen visa?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  23. #23
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    I have my appointment on the 26th of jan at the french embassy... my husband went to london still to get our marriage cert stamped.. i will ask the consul when i speak to her so other people can also be informed.

  24. #24
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    Hi all,

    We are flying to Spain for a holiday on Feb 14th. The process for the visa was actually
    not as bad as we anticipated.

    The key is : Don't leave it until the last minute, and you'll have no stress!!
    One guy was in the Spanish consulate in Edinburgh pleading for a visa for his Filipina wife, and they were "Leaving in 2 days time!" NO chance! They take 2 weeks at least.

    First, we phoned the consulate for them to email the application form and guidance notes.
    Filled in the form and amde sure we had the requirements for a 'spouse of an EU resident'.
    These are: 1) Valid pinoy passport. (And copies of the photo page and the visa page.)

    2) Application form itself.

    3) Recent passport photo with white background.

    4) Details of the trip.

    We then travelled down to Edinburgh, (No appt needed), no queues, and we gave them a
    prepaid special delivery envelope (For up to 500 grammes), the visa is then posted out to you.

    Hope this may help someone in the future.

    Tommy and Lyn...... and wee Dandan.

  25. #25
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyw View Post
    Hi all,

    We are flying to Spain for a holiday on Feb 14th. The process for the visa was actually
    not as bad as we anticipated.

    The key is : Don't leave it until the last minute, and you'll have no stress!!
    One guy was in the Spanish consulate in Edinburgh pleading for a visa for his Filipina wife, and they were "Leaving in 2 days time!" NO chance! They take 2 weeks at least.

    First, we phoned the consulate for them to email the application form and guidance notes.
    Filled in the form and amde sure we had the requirements for a 'spouse of an EU resident'.
    These are: 1) Valid pinoy passport. (And copies of the photo page and the visa page.)

    2) Application form itself.

    3) Recent passport photo with white background.

    4) Details of the trip.

    We then travelled down to Edinburgh, (No appt needed), no queues, and we gave them a
    prepaid special delivery envelope (For up to 500 grammes), the visa is then posted out to you.

    Hope this may help someone in the future.

    Tommy and Lyn...... and wee Dandan.

    Are you just going to Spain and no other place in Europe (like Paris) for your holiday? Where is the Spain Consulate in Edinburgh location? Thanks...
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  26. #26
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    Just wanted to update you guys that i already have my schengen visa and it was delivered this midweek.
    i want to share my experience also for the benefit of other people here who will be filing their visa application in the future.
    I arrived in the french embassy as early as 11am. there was already a line outside. but when they checked my paperwork before i enter the embassy premises. they asked me to go back at 2pm. so i suggest anyone who has an appointment to make sure you are there 30 mins before as to skip the long line i encountered when i went back. the nice lady checked my paperworks upon entry and asked me to fall in line for the cashier. note you will have to present your marriage cert etc here and there is no fee. then they asked me to fall in line in the interview room. this took me a very long time waiting. i was interviewed around 430pm already and there was still a long queue after me. the consul basically just asked for the photocopies of my paperwork. they didnt ask for my travel insurance documents and my marriage cert stamped by the embassy. they were only interested with my original marriage cert from NSO and my other paperworks. I suggest everyone should submit a self-addressed pre-paid special delivery envelope so you dont have to go back to claim the passport.
    It was quite straightforward so i suggest to anyone not to be nervous. the application is just all about proving you are the spouse of an EU national.

    here are the documents that i submitted:
    Marriage contract from NSO
    Marriage contract certified by the Phil Embassy
    Travel insurance
    ID Picture
    Application form - read it carefully as you dont have to answer the one with the asterisk on them if you're an EU spouse.
    Letter from my company
    My husband's passport - which they gave me back but I suggest to bring it still
    a self-addressed pre-paid special delivery envelope for the return of your passport

    Photocopy of everything

  27. #27
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    Thanks for the info. so it is alright not to have a marriage certificate certified by the Phil Embassy? just want to know as my wife got an appointment on march 25 at the French Embassy for the visa. thank you.

  28. #28
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    i dont think they need it.. i had it ready in my hand.. and since it looked like a photocopied document.. they werent really interested in it.. they guy gave it back to me and asked for the NSO document...they only looked at the nso one..

  29. #29
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    thank you very much for the info mhynne.

  30. #30
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    The Procedure for obtaining a Schengen Visa for your Filipino Spouse.

    I thought I would cover this, as I know Rob and Elsa are going for a Schengen visa, and also, Gina and I are currently getting one.

    Why is it required and what is the procedure ?

    Firstly, the Schengen States, signed an agreement on cross border cooperation so that EEC And certain Non EEC nationals may travel unhindered throughout all the member states without requiring any form of immigration control.

    Sadly, the United Kingdom is not a signatory to the Schengen agreement (Schengen is a town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed).

    That means that Whilst EEC Passport holders may go to any Schengen state without let or hindrance, it does not allow anyone holding a Filipino passport to do this, without a schengen visa.

    Once having obtained one, the Filipina spouse can enter via the main schengen destination and then travel across any other country.

    This does not apply to FIANCEE's of EEC Passport holders, so Filipina's holding fiancee visa's must wait until they have married and have a marriage certificate, then they may apply.

    As we are at the French Consulate de General in London, I will give out the procedure for this Schengen member state.

    Applicants must log on to the Consulate de General de Republique du France (details on Google), then telephone the appointment booking line, the joke about this, is that calls cost £1.00 per minute, and you are on the phone for at least 8 to 10 minutes booking an appointment as it is all automated.

    It took us 3 weeks to secure a spot on a group appointment, the Consulate de General is at:

    6a Cromwell Place,
    London SW7

    Nearest Tube is South Kensington on the Circle Line, the consulate de General is opposite the Natural History Museum on the Cromwell road.


    1 The Appointment Letter the applicant was sent, giving last 4 digits of passport.
    2 2 Passport size photographs.
    3 Filipino passport, showing UK immigration status, and must be valid for more than 6 months.
    4 NSO Marriage Certificate or UK Marriage Certificate.
    5 EEC Passport of British Spouse.
    6 Bank Statement showing adequate funds to support pasport holder in France.
    7 Adqequate travel insurance with Medical and Medical repatriation provisions.

    Nationals from Philippines should expect to wait up to 6 weeks for the visa to be approved, and attendance at the French Consulate de General is mandatory in London, regardless of where the applicant lives in UK.

    This involves a day out in London at least, and the queue starts at 1.30pm for the 2pm group admittance, those without documents or as requested will be turned away, anyone showing up without an appointment letter will also be turned away, as I just witnessed about 30 mins ago.

    The Schengen Visa is free to spouses of EEC Nationals, but not for spouses of Non EEC Nationals, i.e. Filipinos on Work visas living in UK, they will have to pay a fee of £26.00.

    Hope this helps anyone, I asked the French Immigration officials about applicants living in other parts of the UK, they said, that applicants can apply by post, but should allow 12-16 weeks for processing and not to book any travel until the Schengen visa was approved and the passport returned.

    Hope this helps.


    Me and my husband reside here in Scotland. We are planning to go to Paris early next year. My question is this (and I'm not sure if this has already been answered) - is there a French Consulate near our location besides the one in London. Somebody told me that there is one in Edinburgh. Is it still there and can we go there to submit our visa application instead of going to London? Appreciate your help on this.....

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