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Thread: Gov. acted illegally...????

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    From today's news.....

    Although I would agree on some kind of immigration and Asylum control, I cannot help feeling that the Gov is targeting the wrong areas.
    Now take the Ethnic restaurant workers..... I reckon that they are "Highly skilled" in what they do...
    Somehow I cannot imagine a Polish or Rumanian or Latvian getting his/her head around a Chinese wok, or Indian Tandoori oven....

    A few years ago, while in Belfast on business, a couple of my colleagues and myself, went to a chinese restaurant next door to the hotel we were staying at.

    We were surprised to find a young Irish couple as waiter and waitress...
    We did ask a couple of questions about some dishes, and the answer we got was.... "Bland but nice"....
    After enquiring with the owners, about it, we were told that they had to employ some locals because of quotas.... And that was local Gov.....

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    From today's news.....

    Although I would agree on some kind of immigration and Asylum control, I cannot help feeling that the Gov is targeting the wrong areas.
    Now take the Ethnic restaurant workers..... I reckon that they are "Highly skilled" in what they do...
    Somehow I cannot imagine a Polish or Rumanian or Latvian getting his/her head around a Chinese wok, or Indian Tandoori oven....

    A few years ago, while in Belfast on business, a couple of my colleagues and myself, went to a chinese restaurant next door to the hotel we were staying at.

    We were surprised to find a young Irish couple as waiter and waitress...
    We did ask a couple of questions about some dishes, and the answer we got was.... "Bland but nice"....
    After enquiring with the owners, about it, we were told that they had to employ some locals because of quotas.... And that was local Gov.....
    I agree they were useless if they describe the food like that.

    On the other hand could you imagine the outcry if a bernie inn said we only want Brits as they are the ones who truly understand the food.
    Many resturants i have been to have had all British staff and there are good brit workers out there but i'd rather be colour blind and let the cream rise to the top than have quotas or the racist owners.

    Lets face it the only reason many Chinese and indian resturants have their own is they can abuse them by paying lower rates and work them harder. Also they can double up staff some on the books some not.

    A show the other night had a hotel owner saying i had a british lady ringing up and the owner asked how would she get there? Well why didn't you offer her a room and board and then take most of her wages away as rent like you did to the lady from lavita? Yes i know she said the woman mentioned about the benefits but i think sometimes bosses overstate all that to divert attention from the fact they basically want cheap labour and not even pay the full minimum wage

    I even know of a mate of a mate who recently had to drop out of the small hotel business west of london he was looking to take over, as the only way he would have been able to compete is to have basically cheap labour and some ghost workers as he described them ie cash in hand not on the books. He was introducded to the "agents" that could help him by the former owners
    He didn't want to get involved so bailed out before the crash started thankfully for him.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    On the other hand could you imagine the outcry if a bernie inn said we only want Brits as they are the ones who truly understand the food.
    Many resturants i have been to have had all British staff and there are good brit workers out there but i'd rather be colour blind and let the cream rise to the top than have quotas or the racist owners.
    I agree to an extent andypaul. I am not in favour of positive discrimination per se and generally believe in meritocracy. However, without some type of intervention so many with potential would never have the opportunity to become cream and thus would never rise to the top.

    I sponsor a number of kids in da Phils primarily who clearly would, without intervention, never have the opportunities to shine due to limited access and scarce resources.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

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