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Thread: original deed of sale will do..?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    original deed of sale will do..?

    I bought a small lot in the city where I live in just last year and until now the processing of its title is not done yet...will the original deed of sale will do for
    a visit visa? about a certificate of membership showing my share in our teacher's cooperative...will it help ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    everything that u think will help u prove to the eco that u really can support urself, it wil be ok..

    the more the merrier..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    thanks to all the responses tonight .....specially to Kimmi and jeobloggs , good night....

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    ure always welcome..we are one big family here in the forum..

  5. #5
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    original deed of sale might be a bit tricky to send out.. only because you dont know whose hands it will go to and whoever possesses the orig deed of sale basically can sell your property.. if you trust the people who will handle it, you can submit it as you like.. but if you are unsure.. you can go to the Register of Deeds in quezon city and bring your orig deed of sale, show it to them and order a certified copy from them. you should be able to get this in 3 working days for a minimal fee...

  6. #6
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    The deeds is i need to photocopy the original and have it authenticated or just send the 3rd copy...anyway i will be the one who bring it to the embassy...

  7. #7
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    applying for a visit visa to the uk would require you to submit the deed of sale to them. you will need to submit all necessary documents and they will keep all these docuements for review and then inform you after a few days or even weeks if they need to interview you.. its not like the US embassy interview where you just present your documents then and there and you will be handed it back during the interview after theyve looked at it.. please try to read the other forums so you can get a better idea as to how the process really is..
    if you are referring to the original copy of the deed of sale this is the one im referring to that enables whoever it is who possesess it, can sell your property.. i advise you really not to submit this if you can..
    what you can do as ive said earlier, is go to the registry of deeds in quezon city, bring the original deed all three of them to be sure, they will ask you to photocopy it there , fill up a form, pay at the counter, and then they will keep the photocopy of the deed of sale to process it for authentication, after that they will ask you to go back after 3 days... to claim the certified true copy of your deed of sale..

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