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Thread: BPI has now opened in London

  1. #1
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    BPI has now opened in London

    Im not sure if this has been posted before
    but just want to just let you guys know that Bank of the Phil Islands has opened a branch already in earls court
    its a good alternative to PNB (just not sure if it has better or even as good as rates) as it is the biggest bank in the Philippines..
    you can view their website at

  2. #2
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    Im not sure if this has been posted before
    but just want to just let you guys know that Bank of the Phil Islands has opened a branch already in earls court
    its a good alternative to PNB (just not sure if it has better or even as good as rates) as it is the biggest bank in the Philippines..
    you can view their website at

    Just checked the rate, it's exactly the same as PNB @ 82.00 today.


  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    the last few times i have phoned the pnb im sure they just pick the phone up and put it down!,there online doesnt work for me?.maybe the bpi will be better it cant be any worse?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i/ve been using pnb online every month since sept 2004, i've only ever had 1 problem,, so i'll stick with them

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    the last few times i have phoned the pnb im sure they just pick the phone up and put it down!,there online doesnt work for me?.maybe the bpi will be better it cant be any worse?
    There phone system is indeed of some serious reviewing. Transfers not going to the correct person, getting cut off and the less said about the notting hill branch the better.

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I support Andy, lets not talk about the Notting Hill branch, because quite frankly its:


  7. #7
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    tried to also open a pnb account and went to the main branch in queen victoria because the nottingham one is just atrocious! speaking to them on the phone is just really bad.. they lady i spoke to just cant wait to hang up the phone on me and answering the question even before i finish asking them
    and calling the main branch is really hard as well as it just keeps ringing and ringing and saying the person im trying to contact is not available.
    im trying to set up an online account with them as ive read joebloggs review with them.. im hoping the online works so i can have less contact with them as possible hehehe...
    im hoping it turns out ok.. but it is nice to know that there is now an alternative... might also contact BPI tomorrow and ask some qs about remittances

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Remeber to not just moan on here the Wife has emailled and complained in person as they were clearly in the wrong and from what i read of the emails she cced me into they were very lax on data protection and very poor with regards to security which they were lucky the Wife didn't take further.

    Phills and many Brits moan about a service but never bother complaining in a formal and pratical manner.

    Lets hope they do have a battle to hold on to customers as it maybe the kick up the backside they need.

  9. #9
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    Be interested to hear how easy it is to open an account with them.

    I had an nightmare opening one with PNB had to attend them in person.



  10. #10
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
    Be interested to hear how easy it is to open an account with them.

    I had an nightmare opening one with PNB had to attend them in person.


    yah,iagree we want to open an account as well...
    its 2 weeks now,and we still waiting

  11. #11
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    hi there just an update on my application from PNBs online remittance
    i really applaud them for the quick response on my application
    i went to queen victoria branch last tues and filled up a form and submitted my proff of ID and passport which they photocopied.. then i went back home filled up the online application through their website
    wednesday, they called me on my cell but i missed the call unfortunately.
    today, i called up and asked about the progress and they verified my details etc and said i will be given my log in later this day.
    just got my log in and was able to get in successfully..
    3 days for the whole process which impressed me a lot! i was expecting a lot worse to be honest hehehe

    alicat i suggest try to phone the branch and follow up on your application as i did.. tip also try to call at about 10am as i noticed that if you call after 12 nn you really wont be able to get through to someone

  12. #12
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i had opened my bank account in (PNB)nottingham branch in person but iv never had a problem to deal with them

  13. #13
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    Im not sure if this has been posted before
    but just want to just let you guys know that Bank of the Phil Islands has opened a branch already in earls court
    its a good alternative to PNB (just not sure if it has better or even as good as rates) as it is the biggest bank in the Philippines..
    you can view their website at
    BPI LONDON i think it was opened long time ago when ifirst to came in UK and they sent me an application form to be a member to them

  14. #14
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    thanks mhynne for the tip..we decided to apply it in person.

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    i had opened my bank account in (PNB)nottingham branch in person but iv never had a problem to deal with them

    Notting hill branch me thinks

    Notting hill = carnival and Hugh grant

    Nottingham = Robin hood and Brian clough

  16. #16
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    might be a cheapest option of sending money to the PI ? IE you have an account her and transfer it in online from another account and then login to your account to transfer to your honey ko's account..............

    The other option would be to give your honey ko a card... Has anyone done this?

    PS the interest rate is not the best..

  17. #17
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    might be a cheapest option of sending money to the PI ? IE you have an account her and transfer it in online from another account and then login to your account to transfer to your honey ko's account..............

    The other option would be to give your honey ko a card... Has anyone done this?

    PS the interest rate is not the best..
    we used to do it since I was in the PI Chino, and now I am here in the UK my family still uses that card (account) we just have to transfer the money no hassle with regards to Control Number like WU..

  18. #18
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    I understand BPI pays a better rate of interest than PNB

  19. #19
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Just to change things slightly for a couple of posts but does anyone know if someone has a PNB bank account in the Philippines that money can be sent to their account online for a cost of around £5?

  20. #20
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    If you have are registered for PNB (Europe) Internet banking and register recipients with your account then you can send remittances for £5.00.

    The recipient does not need a bank account because they can go into a branch of PNB in the Philippines and get a Global Money Card, free at the moment. This is an ATM card that can be used to withdraw remittances deposited into the account.

    Once your recipient has the card they will have to send you the holders name and card number then you add the details to your PNB internet banking account. This can be done by phone.

    Registering for the PNB internet banking can be done by post. Get your local sub-postmaster/mistress to stamp the required documents that you will have to post off to their London branch. You can download the appllication form from the PNB (Europe) website.

    You do not need to deposit money into the PNB account as the remittances can be withdrawn from your debit/credit card or existing current account. These will also have to be registered with PNB.

    This all takes quite a bit of time to set up but once you are registered it is a very good way of sending money.

    Also I think their is a slightly higher charge than the £5.00 if the money you send is taken from your credit card.

    In my experience using Xoom until your PNB account is up and running is the next best option.

  21. #21
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    i am quite happy and contented with the xoom and been using it until now and no problem at all and even to send it direct to my bank account.and they always have a tracking record so no can play any game.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nethlewy View Post
    If you have are registered for PNB (Europe) Internet banking and register recipients with your account then you can send remittances for £5.00.

    The recipient does not need a bank account because they can go into a branch of PNB in the Philippines and get a Global Money Card, free at the moment. This is an ATM card that can be used to withdraw remittances deposited into the account.

    Once your recipient has the card they will have to send you the holders name and card number then you add the details to your PNB internet banking account. This can be done by phone.

    Registering for the PNB internet banking can be done by post. Get your local sub-postmaster/mistress to stamp the required documents that you will have to post off to their London branch. You can download the appllication form from the PNB (Europe) website.

    You do not need to deposit money into the PNB account as the remittances can be withdrawn from your debit/credit card or existing current account. These will also have to be registered with PNB.

    This all takes quite a bit of time to set up but once you are registered it is a very good way of sending money.

    Also I think their is a slightly higher charge than the £5.00 if the money you send is taken from your credit card.

    In my experience using Xoom until your PNB account is up and running is the next best option.

    Thanks for the reply i will go to their website and do just that!!

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