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Thread: Caregiver with UK student Visa?

  1. #1
    Member marky's Avatar
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    Smile Caregiver with UK student Visa?

    HI folks, just want to know if there are members here who got NVQ courses in the UK. How's the visa application process?

  2. #2
    Member marky's Avatar
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    Hello folks, i hope someone will give his/her advise regarding the application for NVQ courses in UK. I have finished BS Bus. Administration, and then Caregiver training course. My sponsor will arrange everything such as; enrollment, accomodation, and as well as the expenses while studying in the UK.

    I would like to know if a job experience is still a requirement for applying student visa.


  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on a student visa your not suppose to work for more than 20hrs a week,

    i've seen agencies offering 35/40 hrs aweek in a care home, thou In order to meet the requirement of 15 hours organised day time study per week, hours spent on a work placement (paid or unpaid) can be taken into account if they are a necessary part of the course and are undertaken with the agreement of the educational establishment concerned.

    not unless these agenices are adding the 20hrs a week to the 15hrs study time, giving you 35hrs week, in other words your working full time , naughty naughty, i wonder if its legal , if i was you, i would check, becuase if the HO says its not, and your found out , you could face a ban from coming to the uk

  4. #4
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    hi folks,,,
    yes,you are allowed to work as a part time not full time
    because you are an student visa
    but??? if you want to work you can work at the hause who is looking for cleaning???at £6.5 per hour no tax. you get your wage after your work

    say??? i hope i help my massege thanks

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your allowed to work upto 20hrs a week on a student visa..

    but the gov says that "thou In order to meet the requirement of 15 hours organised day time study per week, hours spent on a work placement (paid or unpaid) can be taken into account if they are a necessary part of the course and are undertaken with the agreement of the educational establishment concerned."

    meaning that your suppose to study for 15hrs a week min, but time you spent working on your placement can count as study time.

    but to me if your paid, your working, and 20+15 is 35hrs, and you've breeched your student visa, i'm sure the gov will not let people on NVQ work for 35/40hrs aweek on a student visa, and if i'm right, you could face a ban from coming back to the uk,,

    so check with IND before you start doing anything..

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your allowed to work upto 20hrs a week on a student visa..

    but the gov says that "thou In order to meet the requirement of 15 hours organised day time study per week, hours spent on a work placement (paid or unpaid) can be taken into account if they are a necessary part of the course and are undertaken with the agreement of the educational establishment concerned."

    meaning that your suppose to study for 15hrs a week min, but time you spent working on your placement can count as study time.

    but to me if your paid, your working, and 20+15 is 35hrs, and you've breeched your student visa, i'm sure the gov will not let people on NVQ work for 35/40hrs aweek on a student visa, and if i'm right, you could face a ban from coming back to the uk,,

    so check with IND before you start doing anything..

    Check all details out with the IND i have heard some horror stories which many "students" and the employers got away with but now the IND is clamping down and could possibly ban you from the UK for a long time (who knows if it is on some form of central register which oter countries may use for visa decisions?)

    As well as the IND feel free to keep asking questions on here as us Brits may see something which doesn't seem right which a phill might not notice.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    Member marky's Avatar
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    Thank you for your inputs. Btw, my sponsor is my relative and an employer at the same time. He owns a homecare in the UK. So, part-time job and expenses would not be a problem.

    I just want to know if i will need a job experience here in the Philippines just to qualify for the NVQ student visa.

    Your advise is highly appreciated. Thanks so much!

  8. #8
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    hi again folks

    Quote Originally Posted by marky View Post
    Thank you for your inputs. Btw, my sponsor is my relative and an employer at the same time. He owns a homecare in the UK. So, part-time job and expenses would not be a problem.

    I just want to know if i will need a job experience here in the Philippines just to qualify for the NVQ student visa.

    Your advise is highly appreciated. Thanks so much!
    yes you need references. even from the phillipines,before you come here in the uk,,,
    u need to bring your reference...about your experience there in phil,and address of theme where you are working?
    and tel;or cp no;from your employer

  9. #9
    Member marky's Avatar
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    Thank you lizaphil!

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    NVQ is a huge loophole in the Immig Rules. there are several companies actively looking for "students" and are being paid by carehomes to recruit staff. Basically it is on the job training.

    As a student you would need to be enrolled when you apply so the chances are that your sponsor, ( recruitment agent) will have already found you a place to work, (study)

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your right, a loop hole it is, but i still wonder if the 15hrs of paid 'study' time is part of the 20hrs you are allowed to work each week, i take it your not, for a student visa you are not allowed to work more than 20hrs aweek, i've seen agencies advertising care home jobs working 35/40 hrs aweek on a student visa

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