Hi there everyone, this is Beth from the other post, so sorry that I have to use another username hope the admin will not take it against me as my previous email add can only be access in the Phils. so I am now using my husband's email add since he don't use this anyways. My msn account says It's already been used too I still don't know why I can't access using my other name. Anyways, I arrived here last 10th and experiencing the big change on the weather considering it was about 37 degrees when I left Manila. My husband has only a week off and now I'm feeling a bit homesick eventhough he has with him a vast collection of dvd's and a sky subscription. I met his family on the 2nd day and we had tea on his sister's house along with other family friends.My 3rd day was a visit to Clitheroe where I had my first train ride and the famous fish and chips. It's a big serving and I didn't realize that your not accustomed to have some left over to be take away. My mother in law took me for a lunch at Whitaker's yesterday and went all the way on teaching me how to get to the bus stop as well as directions to and from our place. Most clothes shoppings are at T-Maxx and groceries are ASDA's in Blackburn. I can't believe the prices here, just too expensive and my husband tells me not to convert anymore as it all goes down to the difference in wages and the economy, but still i can't help it. I'm dying to have a work soon so I can beat this homesickness but most jobs are in Manchester and my husband thinks it's just too far from here considering I will just commute. I have sent applications through the net as well and I got responses but still it's either too far or not my line of job. Hopefully I get this job at Powergen as I had my 2nd fon interview although a mate of my husband says it's not good working in there but at least It's near my husband's depo which is at raikes lane. Just have to beat this homesickness, I have been doing all the washings almost everyday, hoover and cooking and my husband says why can't I just chill out when there's no even need for us to change sheets yet or the hoover should be at least for a week. I just miss sweating I guess... and of course the very noisy Phils. and my loved ones there. It's just too hard having been in a house with all your siblings and now your alone in a big flat with big tv yet no friends or family to talk with.