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Thread: visa extension

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    visa extension

    hi there. im new in this forum. i need help in answering a question for applying for visa extension.

    Are you applying for an extension of stay instead of indefinite leave to remain even though you have
    completed, or are about to complete, 2 years in the category which you have ticked above?

    If you have answered yes to question 4.1, tick a box below to show us why you are applying for an extension of stay.
    a) You need time to obtain a relevant qualification demonstrating your Knowledge of the English language
    and life in the UK - please give details in a letter.
    b) Personal circumstances to do with your relationship with your partner - please give details in a letter

    do i need to take up the life in the UK exam?
    what about b) personal circumstances.... does it has to do with how i get along with my partner?

    guys, i know this question is easy but its still confusing. please advise me on this.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why are you applying for an extension ?

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry what visa are you here in the uk on ?
    when was it issued and when did you enter the uk ?

    if your'e applying for ILR then you need to pass the 'life in the uk' test first, or you will not be able to apply for it, and if your visa is nearly up and you don't have time to take the test, you might have to apply for flr instead.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi joeblogss.
    spouse visa. was issued sept 20, 2006. and i arrived in uk sept 30, 2006. i think im applying for ILR. im not sure, i'll look up for it.

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    It depends on what visa extension u need to, is it FLR like me since I am on a fiancee visa or ILR ?

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well if you want ILR i think you would put no in q 4.1

    If you just wanted a longer time to remain in the UK and for some reason didn't wantILR then you would need to explain why i think say a family issue or you have not passed the Life in UK test.

    Have you passed the Life in the UK test?

    If your applying for ILR you still have quite a few months to go.
    But need to make sure you have passed your LIfe in britain test.

    Are you going to apply in person or via post?

    If it help to post in Tagalog and recieve an answer in tagalog just ask im sure the helpful ladies on here will help

    From what i understand you gained a spouse visa on the 20th of sept 06 and entered the UK on the 30th of september.

    So before the 20th of spetember 08 yo need to extend your visa.

    Two options apply for ILR which you would qualify for if you can show you have lived with your husband as parnters and have gained a life in britian exam.
    If you don't think you qualify you can apply for FLR which is like a tempoary extension.

    Ideally you want ILR so you need to meet the cretia.

    If its confusing don't worry we will try and point you in the right direction ok

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as andy said,

    your better applying for ILR, but you must pass the 'life in the uk' test, as you need to send your cert with your app,so go and buy the book, do some free online tests and book it, keep taking it til you pass.

    the earliest you can apply is err 2nd of sept 2008 and the latest i would say 13th sept to be safe. but just after the 2nd would be best, gives you time to make sure they get your app and its not lost, so you don't become a overstayer

    you should download the app and guidence notes from here, so you know what you need to collect and do b4 you apply (like collect 20 bits of evidence that you and your husband live and are still togther)

    good luck

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    as andy said,

    your better applying for ILR, but you must pass the 'life in the uk' test, as you need to send your cert with your app,so go and buy the book, do some free online tests and book it, keep taking it til you pass.

    the earliest you can apply is err 2nd of sept 2008 and the latest i would say 13th sept to be safe. but just after the 2nd would be best, gives you time to make sure they get your app and its not lost, so you don't become a overstayer

    you should download the app and guidence notes from here, so you know what you need to collect and do b4 you apply (like collect 20 bits of evidence that you and your husband live and are still togther)

    good luck

    ILRpert has written

  9. #9
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZ2228 View Post
    hi joeblogss.
    spouse visa. was issued sept 20, 2006. and i arrived in uk sept 30, 2006. i think im applying for ILR. im not sure, i'll look up for it.
    if you have spouse visa at the moment you need to apply a ILR but you need to pay 750pounds by post and almost 1,000pounds if you apply in person

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    visa extension

    thank u guys for the advise

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