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Thread: Annulment And Re-marry

  1. #1
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    Question Annulment And Re-marry

    Hi hope i can get some good advice here from you guys as you collectively seem a fountain of knowledge. My situation is that i've been married for a couple of years to Dee (Filipina, im British) but sad to say it hasn't worked out at all well and we have agreed to seperate-get annulled, thankfully it is all very amicable and we continue to be good friends but no chance of saving our marriage...Dee is currently dating-now has Filipino BF here in UK whom she is living with in Manchester and through my work there in Manila i have met a great i said myself and Dee are very amicable and both aprove of each others new partner-our problem is this, as we both hope to re-marry eventually (we are both under 30) and due to the fact that we married there in Philippines that we will need an annulment but we are aware this takes both time and money so we are wondering if it will be quicker/easier to wait for Dee to obtain British citizinship then even as a Filipina by birth and despite the fact we married there if she takes citizenship here can we then get divorced here and will this then be legally recognized there in Philippines freeing us both to remarry in the Philippines in the future? this a viable and realistic way around the annulment issue?

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The simple answer to this question is (given if the circumstances you describe are correct) YES !", if Dee acquires British citizenship provided of course she has indefinate leave to remain.

    Should she acquire British citizenship, she may then commence a divorce proceeding against you, as she is not bound by Philippine law, (make sure she does not reaquire Philippine citizenship by swearing an oath of allegiance to the constitution)

    As she is not bound by Philippine law, any divorce started in the UK, would then release both of you f rom the marriage, even though originally it took place in the Philippines, all she will require is the foreign marriage certificate.

    That must be produced with the application and affidavit for the court, once this has been achieved, then you will be free to marry your new girlfriend in the Philippines and she may marry her partner in the UK.

    However, there is only one downside for her, if she obtains British nationality by naturalization through you, she may not obtain British nationality for her Filipino boyfriend, not now not anytime in the future.

    I don't suppose you are too bothered about that.

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Wow ten mintues and the question is fully answered Nice one pete

    Welcome Des hope everything gets sorted for all

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Which is exactly what I have said, (unless of course the Filipina has acquired British nationality)

    Not dual nationality, that does not count, since she is still a Filipino.

    However, if she has a BRITISH PASSPORT and does not have Filipino nationality anymore, the divorce is valid in the Philippines because she no longer is bound by Filipino law.

    Please do not confuse the issue.

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Wow ten mintues and the question is fully answered Nice one pete

    Welcome Des hope everything gets sorted for all
    what more we can ask for, long as Kuya Peter is around..he he he

  6. #6
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    yes kim, he's a great advicer!

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