The ad says you do not get charged for using the card in other countries
However, I bet the small print has the Peso/£ exchange rate as 50:1![]()
The ad says you do not get charged for using the card in other countries
However, I bet the small print has the Peso/£ exchange rate as 50:1![]()
Keith - Administrator
We have a Nationwide debit card.. The machines here just spit it back out..
It might be a password issue..Not sure.
Exchange rates are supposed to be excellent.
When I used my Nationwide debit card in the US late last year the rates were excellent. Looking back I got $2.054 to the pound, which basically was the mid-market rate at the time. I would hope the exchange rates in the Philippines would be just as good.
I always use my Nationwide debit card in the Philippines both for ATM withdrawals and purchases and have always got a good exchange rate.
I also take a back up of a Mastercard credit card in case I can't find a Visa ATM.
I have had one or two ATMs refuse the card but it's very rare. PCI Equitable machines always work.
Also there's no charges for using Nationwide debit cards anywhere. And I can do internal Nationwide transfers to my favourite dive centre!
Nationwide is THE best way to transfer money overseas. No cash withdrawal charges, decent exchange rate.
Out of intrest how do you know the exchange rate they will charge, is it posted anywhere on Nationwides Website? How often do they change the rate?
As currency can change at a fast rate bothways i guess it depends how quick they are to react to changes will decide if its worth using or another means.
Nationwide do not charge for using cash machines abroad. On the Thailand UK website various people have checked the exchange rate used and it seems to be competitive. A common use of this account is to send a card to gf / fiance / family overseas and then use it as a free way to send money to don't charge on purchases, only on money transfers@2.5%
I think many on here do that as well, from what i read.
But worth reminding people that you may need a backup method of sending over money if you leave a card with a love one.
Unless you inform nationwide that a non uk resident is using the card abroad permantly or just asked for all security checks to be ignored. Otherwise i guess the security checks might flag up a problem with the card which may result in it being suspended i presume?
I give my Girl friend my nationwide card last September and she has been using it to take money out since then, exchange rate has been good (just off what says) and they have never flagged the card.
A good thing but also a bit of a worry surely?
A few years back we left a credit card with the family in phill which they sometimes use for emgencies etc. Never once was it questioned untill this january then i just told he company what had happened and they carried on but they did put a tempoary stop on the card untill they had checked.
no problem with nationwide been using it for around 6 years around with the world and i always get a very good (market rate) exchange rate.
The best thing is i can check my balance online so i know what rate i get in just a few days...
I must admit since moving to the Nationwide from a bank a few years ago i have been very impressed with their service and the fact there is no charge for using the debit card abroad is a big plus but make sure as one of the earlier posters said that you tell them you are doing this.
I am using a Nationwide for almost 8 years now and I dont have a single problem. Exchange rate is very good.
i completely agree to that as my husband using his when we visit PI and as everybody said exchange rate is not bad.hey,are we advertising nationwide for free here![]()
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
just got my statement and i got 82 / 83 to the pound in March (around 19th) so its generally a very good rate.
surely debit card works the same?
i dont think i got charged with my debit visa card i just didnt think i will get a good exchange rate,but with my nat west credit card i got a very high exchange rate which i wasnt expecting!
Most debit cards will charge you to take money out such as a £1.50 transaction fee and not such a good rate. With nationwide debit cards you don't get charged a transaction fee and get a good rate....
Nationwide credit card is the same though you get charged £3 for a cash advance but normal transactions are free..
Does anyone know of other (than the Nationwide) banks/building societies here in the UK who operate accounts where you are not charged for making withdrwawals from an atm when abroad.
I seem to have heard of somewhere else operating this service but have now forgotten.
No never heard of that.I used to use Amex travellers cheque card they charged 2 euros per cash transaction and good fx rates but they pulled the service last October......Now i use Tom Caxton Card as its similar you have to preload in Euros though its MasterCard based not connected to your bank but can be reloaded on line or by telephone......I used it in Thailand last year and no problems....its a fairly high load though but low charges came top on a which travel card survey
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