My honey and little prince now arrive next Saturday. I think that I have fully prepared and got everything ready but am open to any suggestion to make her arrival a fantastic memory for her in the future. She is now unfortunately coming into Heathrow but at least not Terminal 5. I will of course be there with a large welcome sign, there will be flowers on the car seat, her favourite songs on the CD player.
I have the house ready, all baby stuff organised and her favourite stuff in the fridge/cupbpards courtesy of the two Filipino food stores in Birmingham. Her cousin from Blackpool will be arriving on Sunday as a surprise and I have booked her into a fantastic salon on monday for massage, facial, pedicure etc.
Does anyone have any other special idea or just a story of their spouse,s arrival. I am looking for that special inspiration. Ligaya has been to the UK before and is familiar with living in modern cities (Hong Kong and Singapore)here so she will not be surprised by anything in particular.![]()