
Joining the group of smiling people with a Filipina(o) in their lives First post....

I have a limited idea of what my Filipina girlfriend and I are about to go through and I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to shed any light on any of the comments I make here. I won't set things out in a point-by-point way, more like letter-style rambling.

I am open to any comments, good or bad, as hopefully they could make me aware of things I have not thought about, or obstacles to overcome.

I have recently returned from 6 weeks in Phils where I met and fell in love with my girlfriend.

She is from the province of Cebu and unable to easily get to an internet café to send emails, chat on IM and such-like. I am assisting her financially as I truly believe we are in love. I had read about horror stories but believe her to be honest and truthful. I met her working in a restaurant, I believe her to be "good" in the sense that she works hard and has a heart as big as an ox. I don't look down on any girl who works in bars, any hard worker is OK in my book. I just took time to find a shy girl from the province, but coming from a small island brings it's fair share of communication problems.

We fell in love, it was a complete shock to me how quickly this happened, I felt pleasantly overwhelmed at the affection she showed me. I am talking about innocent stuff here, the hand-holding and constant affection that I have never experienced before. I understood how easy it is to love a Filipina. I had previously worked many years overseas and met so many men from many different countries who all told me that marrying a Filipina was the best decision they had ever made.

My gf and I talked about the future, marriage and raising a family, it is something we both want so my thoughts moved on to the practicalities of life. I am now back in the UK, we chat every day on the phone and I send a letter every week. I can see this going the whole way.

She is going through the first steps as I see it, getting ID sorted out and then I will ask her to get a passport. She is from a remote island.

I plan on asking her to marry me and met a Filipina here in England who is married to an English man. She informed me that she thought that getting married in Manila would be the best option as the paperwork wouldn't get slowed down by the constant movement between government offices, barangays etc in various islands and districts.
Is this correct? If so, how do I find out about how to marry in Manila?

I read the requirements for the visa form and can tick all of my boxes.
It looks as though it will be more difficult for her. I have suggested that it would be better for her to live closer to an internet café so communications would be much better. I have a feeling that doing this will help to speed up the spousal visa after the marriage as we can chat on-line and help each other through the process. Is this a good plan?

I know that we will both have to do many things to get married and then to obtain her spousal visa. I am not looking forward to the wait but it seems that is just the way it is. I just thought that getting married in Phils and showing true commitment before bringing her to England was the good and correct way to proceed. I think she will be the girl for me in life, it just looks like an uphill slog to get the top of the hill to see the view.

Well that is all for now, thanks for any feedback.
I would like to hear from anyone who has been through this seemingly daunting process.
