Thanks all for your replies so far. Much appreciated. We are all in a common ground or sailing in the same ship, and your comments are so helpful.
I don't have friends in the UK who would have any idea what I was going on about.
The thing is, Rochelyn asked her uncle to collect the pesos for her, so she must trust him.....
He lived less than 50 yards from her when I was there one month ago.
He was the first person I met from her family who had to "vet" me.
I paid him to take me on his bum-boat to take me to visit her family on another island two hours away. He seemed so helpful and friendly and just before I had to leave he said "don't worry I will look after Rochelyn for you, until you come back to marry her!"
He went to Bogo on the mainland once before to collect a parcel I sent for her from Cebu City.
He is married to Rochelyn's mother's sister. He seemed very genuine to me.
Nothing seems to make sense.
If he has kept the money, this is my first skirmish will the unsavoury side of Filipino families.
How can I find out for sure what happened?
This incorrect MTCN number which I could not access on the WU webpage baffles me.
As alicat mentioned, should I ask her to go to the WU office on the mainland so she can find out the truth?
Once again, thanks all. I am very open to all your comments.
I don't have much experience with Filipino ways.
I'm still holding out for WU to own up to a problem they caused....slim though it may be.

The permutations have been spinning in my head all day.
The loser is my GF as she said the money wasn't collected and it was for her.
Please continue to shed any further light from your experiences.

This has done my head in and I'm trying so hard not to apportion any blame to my GF. (I don't think it was a good idea to read the articles about scams on this forum).
This is making me feel so uneasy, I am usually strong but when things are out of my hands and I cannot solve the problem, it leaves a nasty taste.
How can I find out what has really happened???