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Thread: Western Union Transfer Screw-Up

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Where she is, is home!
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    Hello Iain,

    I hate being taken for a mug and I also have a big respect for the strength of the family unit in the Philippines.
    With these two things in tandem, I have initiated an investigation with Western Union and have told my GF to contact me next time with the truth. I will let the "family" sort this problem out now.
    Perhaps it is hard but "you have to start the way you mean to go on."

    I met her in January and I have to hope that the love she professes will make her stand up to this blantant rip-off.
    I will not be taken for a mug by anyone, better to stay single than be treated badly, and she can now prove what she feels about me.
    Perhaps her uncle is much higher in the family hierarchy, but he has caused a big rumpus now.
    They say we have tests, well she has a big one now and I did send her money as well as many other things when I was in Cebu.
    This whole business has made me mistrust her and she has some bridge-building to make now.
    If Western Union admit to some fraud or a mistake, I will be the first to apologize , but I will have to wait and see...
    We live and learn

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hello Iain,

    I hate being taken for a mug and I also have a big respect for the strength of the family unit in the Philippines.
    With these two things in tandem, I have initiated an investigation with Western Union and have told my GF to contact me next time with the truth. I will let the "family" sort this problem out now.
    Perhaps it is hard but "you have to start the way you mean to go on."

    I met her in January and I have to hope that the love she professes will make her stand up to this blantant rip-off.
    I will not be taken for a mug by anyone, better to stay single than be treated badly, and she can now prove what she feels about me.
    Perhaps her uncle is much higher in the family hierarchy, but he has caused a big rumpus now.
    They say we have tests, well she has a big one now and I did send her money as well as many other things when I was in Cebu.
    This whole business has made me mistrust her and she has some bridge-building to make now.
    If Western Union admit to some fraud or a mistake, I will be the first to apologize , but I will have to wait and see...
    We live and learn

    I think your doing the right thing don't throw any accusations at anyone yet just give western union and your Girl friends family chance to own up.

    One cousin of my Wife borrowed A phone like Ian says has i had two with me he probably thinks wow Andy won't mind. Of course i was concerned when the phone that stayed in a locked room suddenly had moved where i had left it.

    The family almost had a collective seziure and i had to ask him on our last vist to stop appoligizing for borrowing the phone. He meant no harm and presumed it was just like a girl borrowing her girlfriends pair of shoes.

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