Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
Thankyou to everyone who replied to my original post.
Your comments are gratefully received.

I hope one day to help with other peoples' dilemmas.

When I receive news from Western Union, I will let you know what the outcome was. They said an investigation could be up to three weeks.

I must learn to not fear the worst and believe the best , and the best is my GF She is a star.
I have sent many texts and have phoned Rochelyn and she seems ok with everything now.

Like thw wiser guys have set no ones going to be harmed due to the money dissapearing. take it easy and relax (easier said and done i know)

Before you know it the ID for your girlfriend will be sorted and then the next step and the next step and then your be muttering under your breath as you walk round a primark loaded down with bags following a certain little lady round.