Yeah that's another good Idea or they will treat you like mother did she killed her pig for me when I arrived from Middle East and she always want to do it everytime we visit them but I said it doesn't matter, or we just bought some nice food and we eat together in the house.When I was working in other country I've always explain to my family how hard to be far away from them and earn money it's really a sacrificed,then I told them that I'ts stilll the same our lives here in abroad that if you not work and earn money nobody will feed you and triple we spent here, Honestly I am the kind of person that I am demanding their eagerness to see me and Rob rather than expecting the pasalubong I can feel how they missed me so much when they saw me by surpriced visit and the thing is they are all worried what food they will prepare for us and my mother had a tears on her eyes while embraced me and rob. It's important to my family that they saw me and Rob in good health. My mother explain to our neighboor that I am like that always surprised when coming home and don't expect a pasalubong coz she's very lazy.Even my friends I just treat them to eat out and tell them frankly that I don't have any pasalubong as I am so lazy bringing bagage and they understand it.The more you brought pasalubong the more they will expect it from you everytime you visit them and not missing you.