The more you happy if you see them smile at first and appreciate you without giving anything else at least that's for real and not they smile because you brought something. for them. Try to be in their mind that your presence is the most important than anything else. That’s really important in our family and your both happy.

Well I know it's nice to see them smile when you gave something but try not to bring anything and see if they can still smile and what they will say to you " Ay wala man lang akong pasalubong "I don't like to hear this word even in a joke and infront of my husband I want them respect my husband the way they respect me.I and Rob are the most important to my family than pasalubong.Rob brought something to my family small souvenirs from wales but my mother told him it doesn't matter even he don't gave anything as long he treat me nice and we are in good health and a wealthy relationship that's all she wish for both of us.

And another idea is try to say them you don't have a pasalubong and see how they will react but gave your pasalubong when you leaving instead of when you arrived it's just another surprise to them so they will not say where is my pasalubong upon your arriving at the house Coz I ve heard some other from othere's that they uttering saying" hey where's is my pasalubong!" I don't have a colonialism attitude even though I've been work in many places and even though I got married a foreigner so I don't like my family got that attitude too All I want them from the very start accept my husband what and who ever he is, same as I am