one thing my misses dosn't miss is the heat, sunshine yes, but not the burning heat 24/7 and of course her family, but thats it, nothing else.

like you've said there are more opportunities here in the uk, if you want money and work hard, you can make it.

benefit system if you can no longer work, or lose your job, you might struggle, but you shouldn't starve in the uk, unlike Half the world — nearly three billion people — live on less than two dollars a day and According to UNICEF, 26,500-30,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world

but don't forget some people in the uk are struggling to,

uk has its faults, just as every country has, but compared to many people we are the lucky ones in the uk ..