I have written to the Chinese Government on numerous occasions.
I have also written to companies that invest in China coz they can take advantage of Union suppression to make a profit.
I should have gone on to say - I find it encouraging that the ordinary folks at this site tend to restore my faith in human nature. Most of us have taken steps to invest in the Philippines, provide employment and support families as far as we are able. As individuals what we can do is limited, but the fact that we have personal relationships with the relatives of those that suffer inspires us to do something positive.
We know the people of the Philippines suffer through lack of life chances, not laziness, inferiority of mind or some other rubbish that gets talked of.
I have managed to get two hectares of agricultural land back into rice production, not because of any great ability of my own, but through being able to finance the seed purchase and land lease, locals could not do because of poverty. Given the opportunity to work the People I know in the Philippines have done wonders.