Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
The UK has many faults, too numerous to mention here, I had occasion to have a hospital appointment for a minor surgery on my toe some weeks ago, an IGTN can be a very painful experience for the peson who has to endure the constant biting pain, especially if like me you are driving as part of your job.

The appointment at my local outpatient clinic was set for a certain date, on 2 occasions the hospital receptionist called me and cancelled my appointment, I was furious, what was going on I though to myself, this is becoming like the 3rd world !
I sympathized with your predicament here Pete, but I think It's all down to which NHS Trust you're in.

As soon as I get an IGTN referral, I will do an assessment within a matter of a week, sometimes in a day where I will wait for patients to finished either work or when children finished school! And if all is well in the assessment process, and if there's a 'slot' available for me to do the surgery, I will carry it out straight away. The most patients wait for IGTN op in my trust is just 2 weeks max. unless there are other factors that will hinder that process.
